Maine, Montana, New Hampshire and South Carolina give the finger to Big Brother!

Maine currently has no proof of residency requirement for those who are seeking a driver's license, nor do they require proof of U.S. citizenship. In this case I see the feds creating some basic, uniform standards.
Hopefully, there will be consequences for a State's failure to comply with the Real ID legislation. Perhaps the loss of funding from the Federal government. Let them pay for their own highways.

Hopefully???:( You actually support that horse$^!t encroachment on our privacy? Why? Do you hate freedom?
It is a matter of protecting our nation's security, folks. Sorry that blows your mind. If your state won't comply, then it should be penalized by reduced federal funding.
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According to the Department of Homeland Security website:

REAL ID will address document fraud by setting specific requirements that states must adopt for compliance, to include: (1) information and security features that must be incorporated into each card; (2) proof of the identity and U.S. citizenship or legal status of an applicant; (3) verification of the source documents provided by an applicant; and (4) security standards for the offices that issue licenses and identification cards.

This legislation was one of the recommendations by the 9/11 Commission:

REAL ID was a core 9/11 Commission finding and mandated by Congress in the REAL ID Act of 2005. This final rule follows a Notice of Proposed Rule Making published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2007. Based on comments received from various stakeholders, DHS drafted the final rule to substantially reduce costs and account for investments that many states have already made to improve the security of their drivers’ licenses.

I'll rely on the 9/11 Commission, congress, and the Department of Homeland Security to back up my assertion that the Real ID Act will help protect our nation's security. ;)
Two sides to story: Some states you could bribe a DMV clerk to get a license,pay the clerk get a license,that will stop. The other side, it is not paid for by the gov., the states must pay. The states have no input on what questions are ask to qualify for license. Therefore they" the Gov." could ask you, do you own firearms? DUH!!!!!!!!
Simply based on what I've seen in Maine I've got more faith in the feds to create a standard. Illegal aliens are coming here to get driver's licenses because it's so easy.
Oh noes!

I wouldn't be able to fly?

Feh. I stopped paying money to be treated like cattle years ago. Haven't flown since '94. Don't plan on starting again soon.

Why should I reward lousy service, onerous regulations, and outright rude treatment with my business? :confused:
since we intend to fly in June. Not a whole lot of time to get a passport if my state DL or military ID (more specifically, the wife's dependent ID which isn't of the newer variety) won't cut it.

Took me 2 weeks to get my passport last fall(new not a renewal). And the wag on the street was 3 months. This PP is an "E" passport just like the "RID"

This RID, and the Patriot act were just way to "Knee Jerk". All this BS was sitting on a desk ready for the the emotional opening that it found on 9-11-2005 IMHO.