Maine, Montana, New Hampshire and South Carolina give the finger to Big Brother!


New member
I heard on 'All Things Considered' this morning on National Public Radio, that Montanna, Maine, New Hampshire, and South Carolina are refusing to make their licenses so called 'Real ID's.' Expense and privacy were cited as reasons. The whole segment was only about 10 seconds, and I couldn't even find it on CNN. Basically, here's what Deparment of Homeland Security said- they said that if these states do not implement their RealID by May that drivers from these states will no longer be able to use their lisence as identification for boarding flights.

I for one will be driving. Stand Strong, Stand Proud, Stay Free!! Screw the RealID. People really need to start thinking for themselves. I hope these states don't back down. What are your thoughts?
I stopped flying anyway. I personally refuse to be treated like a criminal when I haven't done anything just to hop on a commercial flight.
Should be interesting to see how this pans out. As of now, the deadline is rapidly approaching and there is some question as to whether Montana can even apply for an extension (which are allowed). Basically, our legislature passed a law specifically forbidding the state from complying, and the extension can only be applied for in "good faith" (which wouldn't be the case).

So we'll see what happens in a couple months.

My money is on the state caving, as many a state has before on many an issue.

Though I guess I should probably be paying attention to this, since we intend to fly in June. Not a whole lot of time to get a passport if my state DL or military ID (more specifically, the wife's dependent ID which isn't of the newer variety) won't cut it.
I can't speak for the other states, but Maine is run by a bunch of morons, and they love big government. So now I get to pay some of the highest taxes in the country and I have to bring my passport with me when I fly to Pittsburgh.
Alaska legislature is working on refusal bill

Senate Bill SB202 is working its way through the legislature. The bill would prevent DMV from issuing the Real ID as required by DHS. We'll see if it moves forward. So far it has been sitting in Committee since Feb 19, 2008.
It is hard to get a read on the bill passing or dying in committee.
I use my passport to fly anyway

It's a good idea if there's even a remote chance of being diverted into Canada. I lost a last minute connection recently because it stopped in Montreal and I didn't have my passport. I regretted losing the flight, but I felt so safe afterwards.
I Too have stopped flying! If I can't drive , I just dont go. I like my pocket knife in my pocket and it will never leve me. :D
Here in Deming N. M. The Americans need a Pass Port to reenter the United States. You Can leave with out one just can't come home. Yet The Mexicans can transverse the border with just basic I.D. that most of is Bogus I.D. How Sweet Can it be????

I wish I was Mexican! Was able to go down there and get medicines on the cheap! Not any more. Now I have to pay a Mexican at work to buy it for me. Yep Boarder Security!

We are locked in! They Are not locked out!:D
Too bad the States no longer seat their Senators. Then the States couldn't be blackmailed by the Federal Government.

Might be a good time to repeal a Constitutional Amendment.
Might be a good time to repeal a Constitutional Amendment.

The Constitution is continually being "amended" by Homeland Security and other agencies to fit their ultimate goal. A "Big Brother" social democracy. What the hell happened to the Republic?? We as Americans are being amended out of inalienable rights and it seems as if there is nothing being done about it. When an agency is stopped or told NO they find another way or just do it anyway.
I'm not sure if the aformentioned states were part of the original opposers, but the last I checked, only 17 states opposed REAL ID.
Hopefully, there will be consequences for a State's failure to comply with the Real ID legislation. Perhaps the loss of funding from the Federal government. Let them pay for their own highways.