Maine Monster?

If you laugh or smirk when they are telling their stories, they will get plain old fighting mad because you don't believe them

I'd probably end up in a fight, because I would not be able to keep from smirking. :D Dang, I wish they'd open up a black bear season, on a lottery draw-out basis. Good to know you can take 4-wheelers on the main roads in Honobia & 3 Rivers, cuz otherwise you ain't gonna get far, without a horse.
I don't know if you guys have seen them, they are pretty rare, but maybe it's a young black fox. the younger they are the boxier they are. The picture shows a bushy tail. Just a thought
Yup, Looks like a dead chow to me...but good riddance! Chows are an abomination...they should be hunted for sport.

Now that's some real mature observation and input for ya :rolleyes:
Nuisance relief......maybe....but to advocate shooting a domestic animal for sport?.........:( :barf:
But as long as squirels, rabbits, & coyotes are okay to shoot. Just stay away from the cute puppy dogs...Wah wah wah. Let one of those docile-looking demon dogs take a bite outta YOUR behind with no warning and see how much you like them. I'd take an abused rottweiler before the sweetest chow. ABOMINATION. (and Fugly to boot!)

Save the children. Kill a chow.

And my most humble apologies for offending your MOST delicate sensibilities. If you're ever in tucson, send me a P.M. and we can hug & talk about feelings (over some nice green tea!)

Build a bridge & get over it.
Wow. That picture of the whole animal really does look like a chow/something. My girlfriend and I pretty much figured dog when we saw the picture of the face.
You people really need to learn to take comments less seriously. I'm not shooting dogs, I doubt anyone is going to read my comment and shoot a dog, you need to relax.

(btw, if anyone does, post pix!) (Kidding, but it would be okay if it were a deer? Sheesh.)
I do some predator calling/hunting. If he came to a squalling cotton tail call, I would give em a lil lead injection. Him and any other dog like creature that runs with coyotes.
I am not too sensative to the comments about kill em all. I get the idea. You don't much care for the breed. I hear people at work say the same thing about democrats.
Noone is acting on that one yet.
And my most humble apologies for offending your MOST delicate sensibilities. If you're ever in tucson, send me a P.M. and we can hug & talk about feelings (over some nice green tea!)

No tea gives me gas:D
Some orange pekoe or good Bigelow would be nice though.......
Actually, I have no problem with your "feeling" that way about chows, though I did happen to own one once.....was a great dog......but you have an issue with them and that's fine.
1) Posting the advocation of killing a domesticated animal for "sport" on a public gun forum thread in the hunt section....could kinda load an "anti" with even more bogus info / ammo to distribute for their cause. Just me, but I think we should keep our public posts as "clean" as we can, set as good an example as we can, and keep a positive image. Subjects such as firearms and hunting are very emotional issues, and I know it's hard to keep a straight and narrow focus......I'm sure they troll our forums on occasion, just as we cruise theirs to see what they are up to.
2) I'm taking this way too far off the hunt topic and closer to l&p, so.......
How bout those wild dogs and other nuisance critters!:)
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How bout those wild dogs and other nuisance critters!

Our deer lease has one side that has a highway down one side of it, and it seems to be a place where people want to dump their unwanted pets out. People don't realize that a dog that has been turned loose becomes a predator/scavenger, and will pack with other dogs to create a REAL problem for everyone. We have to go in about every two or three years and shoot out a pack or two of animals, to keep them from killing small fawns, and calves from the ranches around the lease. I sure don't like doing it, but it is a shame to have to look at them half starved to death, with their ribs sticking out, and the breeds that don't shed, will be packed with hair that is matted so bad, that they can hardly see.
The animal rights guys, need to worry more about the people who are not responsible enough to have a pet, more than worrying about the hunters.

The hunters get stuck with the job of having to clean up for them, and we wind up taking the wrap.
I have been a pet owner since I was a kid, and I have had pets that I had to put down, but I took resonsibility on myself to take care of it myself, not just drop my problem off on someone else to do.:mad: