Magpul Announces Move


New member
Today Magpul is announcing that they are relocating manufacturing, distribution and shipping operations to Cheyenne, Wyoming and moving their corporate headquarters to Texas.

I've been watching for this announcement for quite a while.
It is nice to see a company move to states that will appreciate and support their contributions while their (former) home state stomps all over them.
While the move of manufacturing to Cheyenne is no big shocker the relocation of the corporate offices to Texas is a little bit of a surprise.
CO will miss the $
I expected the potential loss of ~$100 million to give Governor Hickenloper pause, but apparently, he was too driven by his own sense of righteousness.

Good on Magpul for going through with it.

Let's drop the liberal bashing. It's inapt and unnecessary.
CO will miss the $

So, will they? Today Colorado legalized the sell of marijuana and I assume they are collecting some kind of tax or fees.

Also, an unintended consequence of all these companies relocating to gun friendly states is the fact that some of the employees or their families may very well vote for politicians that actually support gun control.
Governor Mead welcomes Magpul Industries to Wyoming

Well it is official! Magpul is moving from Colorado to Wyoming! Great!

We Wyoming-ites have been pushing for this move since Colorado passed their "special" gun control agenda last year.

Magpul stuck to their guns, pun intended, and are leaving our neighbors to the south and establishing themselves here. Wyoming should be proud to know that we can and will support firearms friendly companies within our borders!

I'm going to personally say thanks to Governor Mead the next time I see him!

Great news!
Also, an unintended consequence of all these companies relocating to gun friendly states is the fact that some of the employees or their families may very well vote for politicians that actually support gun control.

I don't understand this statement. :confused: Do you mean that their former employees in Colorado may now support gun control legislation, or did you mean that transplanted employees following their jobs to less gun-regulated states might influence the vote in their new state of residence or did you mean something else?

Not wanting to argue the point; I just didn't understand what you meant.
did you mean that transplanted employees following their jobs to less gun-regulated states might influence the vote in their new state of residence

Yes, as companies relocate to states that have a more business friendly environment they bring along many employees and family members. While the management may support less intrusive government it doesn’t necessarily mean all the associated transplants will. Obviously the few employees associated with Magpul won’t make much difference, but as states like Wyoming try to raid Colorado for business they may get more than they bargained for.
Barry, do you seriously think there is anyone working for Magpul that supports more gun control? If so, their effect would be the same as a one-handed clap regardless of the state they move to.
BarryLee said:
as states like Wyoming try to raid Colorado for business they may get more than they bargained for.

Wyoming "raiding" Colorado for business? If I have this right, Wyoming didn't "raid" our neighbors, our neighbors drove business to us!

I do see your point about employees bringing their political beliefs with them when a company relocates, but sadly, people are relocating en-masse without corporate influence. 315 million people need to live someplace, and as the cities become more and more expansive, folks tend to move to places where they are less crowded. And they do bring their differing opinions with them! A fact of life in the USA.

Regardless, Magpul moving to Wyoming will have a more positive effect on our State than the some of our more recent trust fund transplants!
Obviously the few employees associated with Magpul won’t make much difference, but as states like Wyoming try to raid Colorado for business they may get more than they bargained for.

While none of us have any idea about the voting habits of plastic injection molding workers my statement was more of a general one.
As such, it really is pointless speculation. There's absolutely no way of knowing what percentage are pro, anti or ambivalent. It's the same sort of speculation as trying to leave your house 3 minutes earlier or later so you can avoid a car accident that you have no idea if or when might happen.

Besides which, companies and their employees are moving into and out of every state every day, besides all the moves for countless other reasons. Trying to speculate as to the effects of those moves without any kind of supporting data is akin to speculating about the effects of a butterfly's wings in a hurricane.
Sorry guys I made a simply observation about pro-gun states attempting to attract business away from anti-gun states and the possible unintended consequences. While I may see a potential long term problem with this practice it appears I’m in the minority. So, I guess there’s not much else to say about the issue.

Anyway, congratulations to Wyoming and Texas…
I support Magpul 100% and always buy/recommend their products.

They are one of the leading firearm companies in my book. I wish they'd produce they're own guns too...
The best thing about the move was the fact that the WY Gov. and Legs. actively campaigned for the move, and invited others gun type businesses to move to Wyoming.

This confirms what I've believed for a long time, that Wyoming will continue to be a gun friendly state.
