Magic Knives - are there any?

I'm in California, home of the BIG folder. I dream of using two slabs of aluminum to do grips on a mutilated folder using an Ontario Black Wind Katana blade with most of the grip lopped off.

There's another way of getting a monster sub-4" blade combat folder: the Muskrat concept. A Muskrat is a two-locking-blade knife rigged "back to back", so you're doing both a forward-grip and reverse-grip hold. Potent with practice, and seriously intimidating. And legally there ain't squat they can do about it.

Rob, my understanding is that in a "good gun law state" like TN, it's highly unusual for the cops to still care about knife blade length limits once you've got a gun carry permit with background check, etc. True? Probably a "depends on the cop" thing?

Jim March
If you are carrying the gun, you are probably correct. but if you are visiting TN, I would suggest leaving your folding katanas at home. ;)

Most officers are not going to check a knife's length if they are concerned with establishing your handgun carry status. but the airport security guys and other places where the guns are already a no-no are definitely going to care.
Furthermore, I don't advocate relying on "what usually happens."... while I have done it and gotten away with it, I have also seen it go the other way. It would be a damn shame to have a CCW, be carrying a gun legally and yet still get charged with a felony weapons charge because you felt like you needed an extra inch or 2 of blade. Does not seem even close to being worth the risk to me.
Good information, thanks all. I just went to Reeve's site and like the look of his knives. The technical information sounds great, tho as a non engineer, my opinions might not be valid.

Special thanks to Rich and Jim for all of the information. GLV
Rich, I have looked at my Benchmade, and believe I can see the mechanism of lock failure, but it would help me, and others, if you would expain it to us. Thanks, GLV
The mechanism of the failure eludes me, as it was discovered quite by accident. Actually, I was generous to Benchmade in describing my defeat of two of their knives.

A few months ago, due to the popularity of the AFCK on this and other Boards, I ordered another, thinking that I had simply come across a bad lot.

My cell phone guy was here at the time and did me a huge favor with a car phone. He admired the knife even after I showed him the functional flaw. He left with it...a present from me.

Forewarned is fourfingered? ;)

Just saw this thread - don't come to CQC much but looks like I should. I don't particularly care for the AFCK much and, although I briefly looked at one at a gun show, I don't recall how the lock works (I assume linerlock?)

I've tried th BM CQC7 - yecch - too much handle for the blade (975 model) - still want to try the smaller version if I can find one (discontinued).

For my money the BM 910S Stryker is tops - handle design is fantastic - adjustable hinge pin allows opening with a flick of the wrist (I hardly ever touch the thumb disc). Have you tried your failure test on one? I can't imagine the linerlock failing but who knows.