Magazines and Clips


I was just reading the topic "Terminology-Am I too sensitive?" and I noticed that people are really against refering to magazines as clips. Some even said that they wouldn't believe anything a person says if they use the word clip in reference to a magazine. This kind of bothers me. Even though I don't claim to be some great gun expert, I truly enjoy shooting and am probably more knowledgeable about firearms than most people I come in contact with. I definately know the difference between a clip and a magazine. I also, however use the word "clip" quite regularly. The fact that some people would take great offense to this and not believe anything I say because of this is kind of silly to me. What's the big deal!?

I use the word clip for several reasons. It's quicker to say than magazine, lots of other people use it too, and it just usually seems to be the word that comes to mind. This doesn't make me evil,incompetent, or unknowledgeable, does it? So I repeat, what's the big deal?!

Also remember that English is an constantly evolving and slang filled language. If people start calling an object or idea by a particualar word, then whether the word is correct or not, it eventually comes to represent whatever that object or idea may be. An example of this is the word "gay"; a hundred years ago it meant joyful or happy, yet we all know what it usually means today. This kind of thing has happened with thousands of words in the english language, so why is the clip/magazine discrepancy so different and magical that it causes such strong feelings?

Just my thoughts. Let me know what you all think about this matter.
I guess back in the day when "Clips" were common place on contemporary firearms it was a big deal. I sorta agree with you on this one.

I came up being told that "Gun" was a bad word...but today you hardly ever hear a disparaging remark about someone calling a pistol, rifle, carbine, or any other firearm a gun.

I don't use the word "Clip," but I am not anal retentive about either.

Way back when, when I was in the service you always carried spare "clips" for your rifle or pistol, but you never carried a "gun."
As far as I know, clip refers to a "stripper clip" or a Garand "en block"...magazine is something else.

With the "gun" term...back in 17 century it used to mean certain size of cannon...what did it mean earler in the 20th?
Related to the historical referrences, I was told that "guns" were on Navy Ships and I was sure as heck to small to carry one around.
I'm only going to say this one more my lips...I did not use an improper terminology for that clip, the magazine!

No problem, spoonslayer, if you're into short slang, just say "mag". You can say "I need a new mag for my chemically blued, chrome-moly steel, autoloading firearm with a rifled barrel which is capable of accepting a reusable detachable box magazine containing spare cartridges."

The latter described item would be the oft maligned..."gun"!

[This message has been edited by Mikey (edited March 03, 1999).]
The term "gun"used in the context of artillery refers to the ratio between the diamerer of the bore and the length of the barrel.
Progressively you have mortars,howitzers guns and rifles an the major classifications.

(Recollections from a misspent youth)

Better days to be,

To use the word "clip" when referring to a "magazine" is to compromise ones credibility. They are not synonymous. If you want to use the word clip instead of magazine, feel free to, but don't get mad at us if we do not take you seriously...
...for example, you wouldn't use the word "shotgun" when referring to a rifle. And you wouldn't think that anyone that used those two terms interchangeably would know what they are talking about. So why would you refer to a magazine as a "clip"?
I agree that magazines are magazines and clips are clips and never the twain shall meet. Unfortunately, the English language is full of disagreeable usage that demonstates (to me) a weak mind and low morals. My own pet peeve is turning the noun "party" into a verb, but I lost that battle (as an English teacher) years ago.
Magazines are reading material, clips hold loose papers together. I'm not going to rag on anybody for calling a magazine a clip. It may be improper, but nobody ever accused me of being proper.
I speak three languages: English, slang and profanity. English is my weak one. ;)

Part of the problem comes for the mystery/PI authors, in my opinion. The PI thumbing the safety catch of his revolver, removing the clip from his Colt automatic, etc. It does demonstrate either ignorance of the subject or a slovenly lack of attention to detail. However, rather than ignore ignorant people- I prefer to educate them. As I would hope to be educated in areas of my ignorance. Guns are cannon and I am uncomfortable with the use of gun to mean a pistol, revolver, or longarm.
Thanks Rob and Grayfox.
At least everyone here doesn't think using the term "clip" immediately lowers your IQ.

Like grayfox said, it's not proper to use the term "clip", but like it or not a large part of the population does. That's how the English language works; when more people start using a term in a certain way,it eventually becomes accepted. When I say that Im going to stop and get gas for my car, I dont have any chemistry teachers jumping down my throat and calling me stupid because the "gas" Im refering to is actually a liquid; so why cant you guys get over it?

When I say I want a 14 round clip for my Para-Ordnance, You and I both know what Im talking about. Since it doesn't cause a communication problem or do anyone any harm, I think it is a bit petty to base something as important your opinions and regard for a human being on something as insignificant as this.

As for what you said about our language showing a weak mind and low morals, this is a bit far-fetched. Language is something that man made made up to represent things in everyday life. Morals are universal and generally unchangeable. Nearly all cultures from all around the world have agreed for thousands of years that some things such as rape, murder, and theft are morally wrong. To base a group of people's morals on such an inconsistent, ever-changing thing as their language is a bit ignorant. Right and wrong is not decided by miniscule differences in the vibration of vocal chords or slight changes in lip posture. Right and wrong are god-imparted(in my opinion) ideals that we will uphold and that will remain the same much longer than any particualar language ever will.
I loved Grayfox's languages! Indeed.

Well, if 'clip' is that bad, there were a ton of folks and vendors at last weekend's gun show (Crossroads) that shouldn't be taken seriously! ;)

I now make sure I use 'mag' or 'magazine' usually, but I have slipped on occasion. Seems to me this is definitely on the low end of 'worry'.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited March 04, 1999).]
Aw gawdam! Not the "Magazines vs. Clips" thread.

Geez, as far as I'm concerned, I'm more likely to discount your credibility if you get all anal about something so machts nichts as the magazine vs. clip terminology debate.

Who cares?!? It holds spare bullets (also wrong, it holds cartridges/rounds, of which bullets are a part) shells (not unless it's arty or a shotgun), ammo, caps, whatever. Yeah, if you call a shotgun a rifle, your gonna be labled an ignoramus, but this is so trivial in comparison that it's not worth the energy spent quibbling over it.

As of '94, soldiers in my unit were still using the term "clips" for their M-16 magazines, just not during Soldier of the Month/ Promotion boards. :D

My advice? Find something else to argue about.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
Try this on for size.

A clip holds Rounds, so does a magazine. A magazine also feeds the Rounds. Therefor a Magazine is a Clip, But a Clip is not a Magazine.

Any hollow tube through which a substaince can be forced is a "Gun" Therefor both a Craftsman Grease gun and a M-700 Remington are in fact Guns. I would however advise against using the M-700 to lube your U-Joints. Or the Craftsman for hunting or self defense.