mag reload issue

howdy yall. i carry a glock 30 and have just recently started carrying a second mag. that got me to thinkin, maybe i should practice reloads from out of battery and tac reloads. there lies my issue.
when i do a outta battery, because of the size of my hands, the empty mag will not fall outta the pistol. i have to pull it out.
my question is, do any of yall smart gun people have an idea to help? weighted mag bases? smaller hands? bigger gun? more practice?
any and all comments/suggestions/nags/groans/complants/smarta$$ remarks are welcome and appreciated.
I don't shoot glocks, but when I choose a gun, I make sure the magazine falls out under its own weight when I push the button.

I have had some mags that wouldn't, I take a belt sander to them until they do. If I can't get them to fall, I toss them.
IIRC, Europeans don't like their magazines falling/flying out of the gun when they hit the mag release...... that's an American thing.
My training was to use the heel of the fresh mag onto the toe of the empty mag from the mag well. It looks like a down-up motion; down to strip, up to insert the fresh mag.
The original Glock 17, had magazines that specifically were not intended to drop free.

The reason being, if you hit the mag; catch, in error, you would not loose your magazine. Remember they were a mil spec design.

Flash forward, America! Need quick reloads (But I have seventeen rounds, why do I need a quick reload?) The armourall is a good suggestion.
'Tire Wet' by BlackMagic in the long lasting extreme shine variation available at most every place with a vehicle section ; is so slick it is reccomended to not come in contact with the face of a tire, as it may cause sliding.

It will not transfer to your hands or your gun once it has 'dried' but you want to be good and SURE you give it the time it needs to do so, otherwise you are in for one chrome like shiny---everything.
Thanks y'all for the input. The mag will fall if my hand ain't in the way. So its not a firearm problem, it's more a me problem I guess.
Does anyone know of weighted glock mags? Mag bases?
The mag will fall if my hand ain't in the way.

Get your hand out of the way when you hit the mag release.

If your hand is in the way no magazine modification I can think of will help short of some type of pyrotechnic.
A possible point of clarification: You seem to be using "outta battery" in a way that indicates you may not know what it means. Do you really mean "slidelock" or "out of ammo"?

"Out-of-battery" generally means a condition where a round is at least partially fed/chambered, but the slide (or bolt in the case of a rifle) is not fully seated. This condition does not usually require a reload to fix, rather just a simple tap on the back of the slide to send it completely forward into battery.
hey dude,

this question really has me thinking ( as I also have boardering on stupidly large hands )

This morning, I was at the range and decided to swing home and do some
'defiling' or my dummy/training Sig.

I swapped out the mag release for on I made myself in a mold.

I made it at such a length and fashion, that it maintains two stages.
First - is a 3/4 release ( or full release in the case of your situation ) where the mag requires a real good shake or to be pulled out ) due to hands in the way.

Second, is a full release stage, where the slightest of palm adjustment will drop the clip like it weighs a few dozen pounds.

It works great, and despite my hands, on a tac reload , my palm liftup just enough on full release ( second level ) to completely clear the spent mag like no ones business.

If this is something that you think you would be interested in, I will put up a video of the functionality of the product, and give you a HOW TO, that can easily be done at home.

I am heading into work an hour early to have some other guys do a tryed and true testing of my creation. See if we can't get a bearing on just how durable this is.
I always catch my magazine when I release it. In a self defense shooting, you are not going to care about breaking/damaging the magazine when it falls. Your gun is going to be taken by the police for a long time, possible rust on it from not cleaning/waiting on courts to use it as evidence. More than likely you will get a new gun.

Even if you don't who cares about $30 magazines? you buy another.
9mm said:
I always catch my magazine when I release it. In a self defense shooting, you are not going to care about breaking/damaging the magazine when it falls....
But if you always catch your magazine in practice, that's what you'll do it the balloon goes up.
But if you always catch your magazine in practice, that's what you'll do it the balloon goes up.

Yup, I'll usually use a blanket to catch brass - provides enough cushion to break the fall and not the mag. Then again I shoot on grass, might need something with a bit more squish over harder surfaces