"Mademoiselle" hand gun?

I got it scanned but can't get the load down low enough to post. Will send to you, maby you can trim off the excess fat.

You need a program like Paint Shop Pro that will change resolutions of scans. You can also change the scan resolution when doing the scan, which is the preferred method. Another trick is to reduce the color depth, or even scan it gray-scale. When I scan text, I normally do it at 300DPI, plenty to read it. If you can email the picture, I can hack it down to size and post it here.

A new question for everyone:

Since the gun seems to be an old model, but created not so long ago... Where can I find names and contacts for people who builds working guns? Not big factorys, but individuals or little groups that may create personalized guns?
I can expect to find dozens, hundreds or thousands of such guys, in America?

Any clue would be very appreciated!!!

Thanks a lot!

There are many gunsmiths in the US, but most customize guns rather than actually building them. If the gun to be built is a modern cartridge gun, and the receiver is to be made, the smith will need a manufacturer's license, which few do, and of course the gun has to comply with US laws.

If the gun to be built is percussion or flintlock, the license will not be needed; there are a number of smiths who do that work.

Try a web search on "Gunsmiths" and you will turn up quite a few names (some 15000, I think) and you can try their sites.

If you could provide more detail as to what you want to have made, we can narrow it down a bit.

The Story so far...

Hi everyone!

I couldn't imagine that there are so many gunsmiths on USA!
I just received some images from old guns and some of them are really near from the one that I saw. I'll scan them and post here as soon as possible, along with some comments, so you guys can maybe tell me if there's any chance to narrow a search on the gunsmiths, since the weapon is really a artwork.

Since some of you asked me for the whole story, I'll tell it, at least part of it.

I'll not name institutions here, but, to make a paralel, if I was on USA I would be about to enter a police department, and I saw some things I was not allowed to see, in a government gun research department. This woman was the one responsible for the department; and when she saw me she pointed that strange gun to my face.
She told me that she must have fired before asking me anything, but do asked me who I am and what I was doing there, with a big grim :mad:.
I didn't have time to think about anything, but I managed to take the gun from her hands with a fast movement; and since I was somewhat commited with my future boss, I had the cold blood to told her that she was the one who was supposed to be shot, since there were no security when I entered the room.
Once she understood I was "on her side", she got a little less angrier (still VERY angry, but not wanting to shoot me anymore); I gave her weapon back. I could say that she got very nice when angry, but she would probably shot me if I had said so...;)
We take our own roads, and never I saw her again.
My chief supported me with the little inter-departamental mess that occurred then; but after things calm down I leave the department; since I am more on the thinking side than on the shooting one.

Some weeks ago I dreamed about these events and got curious about the gun, so I'm trying to find some information about it or about a gunsmith who would be capable to do such gun.
Hey, remeber that not all the blondies are young and beautiful!

In fact, I never saw one with these "attributes" on this kind of job... ;)
Looking for gunsmiths

Hello again all!

I'm glad we're back.

Let's please forget all this story, ok? Re-reading what I wrote, I must confess that the story sounded a little silly, and I don't want to enter in the details. Of course it's not just like "ops, I opened the wrong door, please don't shoot me!"...


Sam has sent me some images, and I'm attaching one of them to ask everyone one thing: Every gunsmith could make a gun just like that, but with some changes on the firin' mechanism (? - I don't know the right word in english); to include a drum instead?
My point is: is that possible to narrow the gunsmiths names to a little dozen ones, just the best ones, which could make such gun?

Thanks a lot,


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