HKmp5sd. I am in the Tampa area, we have a great place in manatee that we go to. I am a RSO there.

Me too also. We go down there, but not recently. Ii also got my RSO down there. I want to start doing the Clay match on Sat. with Gene.

It's a small world, after all!! start hummin'...

E-me and I'll give you a cell #.

Are the side cocker uppers any better than top. i like the old style..

I'm getting ready to send $$ to start the purchase. Know of any "deals here in town b4 i do??
the norinco Uzis were very affordable, something like $249 each. the cost of SA uzis are not representative of a free market price. being a restricted for so long item the price has gone sky high.

New russian AK's cost something like $120 on the world arms market. Bulgies are al ittle less czech are a little more. Used arms like war booty AK's or Argentine FAL's are well under a hundred bucks. The cost of an African spec Toyota pick up truck is about 6700 including the cost of the tariff.

Think about it. certain parts of Asia and Africa and central America EVERYONE has one AK, and most of these places make a couple hundred bucks a year per capitita, if it was not so cheap, how could they arm themselves.

You pay an Awful lot here for government mandated safety features, pollution devices and other amenitys. China was selling a verson of the ford focus for under 5K. no airbags. no radio, nothing power, just tires body motor trany and seats.