MAC-10 vs uzi

Having shot both...I must say that there is no comparison. The Mac 10 just is not in the same class as the UZI. However they are both submachine guns and are both inferior to the MP5. JMHO.

Absolutely agree.

Nothing unsafe about an Uzi. Open bolt continuous fire weapons are a whole new world, and as such, the shooter needs to train, practice and be aware of all that goes with an open bolt weapon.

"...general usage is..." Big kid's toys. FA is great, expensive fun, but really has to practical use.
"...and shot himself in the foot..." Operator failure. Lack of training and complacency causes more incidents than anything else. There are more cop related firearm incidents that aren't heard about than you can shake a stick at. Minimal training, a lack of awareness and the days of cops being shooters are long gone. Few new cops, anywhere, have ever seen a firearm outside of TV and movies prior to being hired.
UZI is a far superior MG and much more accurate and deployable.

Carried one for years and trained many personnel with them.
NOT a jamamatic IF good clean mil-spec properly crimped ammo is used.

In a field combat deployment..a 9mm sub-gun is a poor choice of firearms but I would definitely choose an UZI over an MP-5.

MP-5 is great and sexy...but you cannot clear a jam or case rolled inside the receiver as fast as an UZI can be put back in have to disassemble it to clear it and return it to service. UZI just lock the bolt back and roll the UZI over to the right and you are good to go.

For quiet entry and TANGO elimination...the MP5SD is the trick. Just start with a clean gun as they get real dirty real fast from blow-back into the chamber area.

JMHO.....after hundreds of thousands of 9mm MG shooting
A Mk10.45


He bought a bunch of them when the original company was closing out. This one has thousands of rounds through it with no problems at all. He did say that there are important handling issues. for instance, if you try to rectract the bolt with the safety engaged, it will not stay back and will chamber and fire a single round.
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Do the math only around 10 thousand MACs were ever made 100 of thousands of Uzis have been made. As was pointed out previously the Uzi is a battle proven weapon. As for size there are many versions of the UZI not just the full size one.
I have also fired both with suppresion

If money isn't an issue go with the UZI they are both fun guns I have a video of me firing the UZI supressed it is on my puter that is boxed up for being a dinosaur.
I own a MAC 10. In the post it says that if you have the safety engaged it wont lock the bolt back and will champer/fire a round... this is untrue unless you partially pull the bolt back THEN engage the safety. If the bolt is fully forward and you activate the safety then try to charge the bolt, it wont charge.

The MAC 10 is every bit as reliable as the UZI. It's just as accurate too (dont chime in on this one unless you've personally shot both - hearsay don't fly). The MAC has FAR FAR FAR more accessories available to it (not to mention the conversions are WAY more prevelant and CHEAPER), and you can get 30rnd mags for the .45 caliber.

If I were you, I'd get a Powder Springs MAC 10/45 and a Lage Slow fire upper and spend the remainder on ammo.. The MAC will cost you about 3.5k to 4.2. An UZI will cost you around 4:6k and the .45 version you can only get small quantity mags...

I have nothign against the UZI.. Just you dont have the versitility as you do with the MAC. If you do get an UZI look for either an IMI or a Vector. Vector will still cover malfuctions/breakage.

Go to for posts and advise on both.
In the raid on Intebi, to release hostages, the Israeliz used a Mac 11 though they naturally had UZI. They probably figured a little buzz gun served their purpose in a fast moving scenerio. I have the mini Uzi and Macs. The Macs rarely give me grief. The Mini however refuses to work with U.A.E. ammunition. Go figure
Lord! 3.5K for a Mac is obscene. I thought they were over priced at 300 dollars, when I bought a couple. They aren't range guns. They are very effective close range room cleaners, and, really need the suppressor. They are also really easy to swap bolts on. I actually liked the 380 for concealability, and the 45 for swat power. The 9mm was a bit big for a gun that shot such a little round. Still, 32 rounds of 9mm will really ruin your day.

My experience was the only reliable ammo for the Macs was ball.

Friend has a full auto Uzi, and, he loves it. He's a former swat/bomb squad/sniper/police armour, licensed S&@ gunsmith, Col in the Guard, and, he owns an Uzi submachine gun, so, that's a big plus for me, since I know he's had a chance to fire a LOT of full auto weapons.
MAC is known as a bullet hose...great for spraying down a room...marginally controllable without a supressor.

UZI is a well thought thru MG w/folding stock. Safe and reliable.
Carried one for years and trained many agents with them for protective assignments. Only thing we every broke was an occasional extractor.

Good close in or out to 100 yards, though 9mm doesnt have much energy left @ 100 yards. Fun to shoot and conceals well in a briefcase.

Definite UZI over MAC.....even with Uzi hovering in 8K range !
in your opinion, for general usage, which is considered more reliable. THE isreali UZI or an american MAc-10 (.45)?

While a lot of good points have been made, the OP specifically asked about which was more reliable. This generally means, which one goes "bang" every time and has no problems cycling.

Having used both, I would have to give the MAC10 the nod. Granted, my experience is limited to two specific firearms. But of those two, I can't think of a single time that the MAC10 in .45 has had any kind of malfunction when used with roundnose ammo. I can't say that for the Uzi.
I forgot about that part. NEVER got any of the macs I had around, 380, 9mm or 45, to run with ANYTHING BUT BALL AMMO. However, never had any problems with ball, reloads about 99%.