MAC-10 vs uzi

Better balance, better accuracy, better overall is definitely the Uzi. The only thing the MAC comes in ahead is on concealability, which isn't a concern for most legal owners.
Having shot both...I must say that there is no comparison. The Mac 10 just is not in the same class as the UZI. However they are both submachine guns and are both inferior to the MP5. JMHO.
I'd take the Uzi, but only if I couldn't get a silencer to go with the MAC-10.

Actually, a suppressed Uzi would be pretty cool, too, you NEVER see those in movies.
The uzi is a war time proven weapon with 125 yard capability and rock solid reliability, the Mac10 is a toy for all intents and purposes.
I would have said the Uzi hands down however given many of the after market additions you can put on a M11 such as the max-11 the M11 / M10 has become much more feasible to own and more fun for people to shoot. It's not just a "bullet hose" with the high rate of fire.

With that being said... I still love the Uzi the most and prefer the Mini Uzi over the full size Uzi. About 3 years ago I asked the same question you did and I ended up siding with an Uzi. The choice at that point was "which gun to get if I only buy one NFA gun?" I ended up deciding on the uzi and I asked the question on about which one I might enjoy the most. The Uzi is a work horse and is built like a tank and is very reliable.

Now, I know that the OP is in Guatemala, and that the crime there is different than what we are used to, but that last comment has me questioning the OP's ethics and motives behind asking that question.
alright now...

hey i am justhaving a little fun, and drivebys are the prob the most popular usage of these things. anyhow, sorry if i scared ya'll
Having had both an Uzi and an M11/9, I'd go with the M11/9 every time. The Lage Max-11 upper mentioned above puts the M11/9 in a class above the Uzi. Now that Mr. Lage has begun shipping his Max-10 uppers, you can have basically two (or three, with caliber conversion) subguns for the price of one.

Seeing as you're in Guatemala, if you can't get your hands on one of Mr. Lage's uppers I'd stick with the Uzi. The MAC10 by itself is fun at the range, but not very practical due to the ROF and terrible stock.
From personal experience, both being open bolt they are unsafe. The Uzi did jam on me quiet a bit, but its controllable, the MAC Ingrams in higher calibers (45) are unwieldy and cheaply made. Go with the Uzi.
Though the UZI is an open-bolt design, that doesn't make it unsafe; in fact, it was designed specifically to EXCLUDE the sort of accidents that prior open-bolt designes were prone to. These usually happened when a loaded magazine was inserted into the smg, and it was dropped or bumped with enough force that the bolt would "bounce" to the rear far enough to pick up a round from the mag. The UZI has a grip safety that PREVENTS the bolt from moving (unless someone was to deactivate that safety, with tape, rubber bands, etc.), unless it is held and ready to be fired.
Its not so much that the gun is unsafe, but i heard a cop tell me once that because conventially a bolt locks open when the magazine is empty, he once thought he had expended the whole magazine, and shot himself in the foot
That's not being unsafe, that's being stoopid and practicing poor trigger discipline.
+1 to that. With open bolt operation, the bolt is forward if the gun is empty. (Or if you hit a dud primer.) Another case of someone not knowing how their weapon operates.
Here is one of my vids of Uzi shooting, the forward bolt clicking when the magazine is expended is a good physical indicator of "empty", with the momentum of the bolt moving its a definite indicator instead of the firing pin on an empty chamber which one could misconstrue as a misfire.