M91/30 Modification

How is it that illiterate Russian conscripts can keep a rifle in working order with just the cleaning tools issued with the gun, but your roomate, with a roof over his head, heat, electric light, etc...... can not?

Out of Hoppes? Do a search for "Ed's Red".....
M91-30? go for it, its your rifle, and the value doesent appear to be rising anytime soon. just sport this one, then buy another if you dont like it lol.
For whatever it is worth. Here is a little walk through from last week of a Mosin project I was asked to document.
Lot of younger guys (on tight budgets) need a inexpensive but accurate brush/hog gun.
The Mosin fits the bill and the process is simple and inexpensive. I have done dozens of these and I will attest they are accurate and reliable guns. Cheap to shoot with MilSurp and cheap to acquire. The 30.06 type round (7.62X54R) these Mosins shoot are perfect for the deer/hogs down here in South Texas.

I have found a 21 inch barrel is the sweet spot. So I cut off 7'ish inches off. Not rocket science here :) I chuck the barrel up in the vice and put my high dollar barrel cutting guide on ( 1/2" angle iron) where the cut is to be made and clamp it down with a C-Clamp. This allows a guide for my hacksaw and cuts a nice clean 90 degree face.


I then re-crown it. You can use a fine file and then the brass screw method...or get lazy in your old age and use one of Dave Manson re-crowning kits. I am old and getting lazy so Dave sent me one of his .30 MilSurp re-crowning tool sets. Either method works well.
I put a muzzle brake on mine. Really helps with the recoil and folks like them. Now the Mosin barrel is tapered. So depending where your cut is will determine the diameter you will thread.
If you do not cut your barrel at all and wish to put a muzzle device on the end it will take a 15mmX1mm die. I cut mine back to 21" and I use a 17mmX1mm die and muzzle device as the barrel diameter there is closer to .670. Lil further up it is closer to .639 and I use a 5/8"X24. You get the idea.
So I cut/recrown and thread.

(Premptive post/ Sarge you suck at pictures)
I cut the throat off the stock

Heat and remove the rear site and will mount a red dot on this one...but most get a LER scope. I use the BSA high mount 3/8" scope mounts and they have held rock solid for a kabillion rounds out of my Mosins.

There it is. I will finish this one probably tomorrow after sanding and staining the stock.
These make really nice brush guns and look great. All for under $200 bucks. Cant beat that with a big stick.
Polished and put my spacer in the trigger group so that is done. Installed a slack trigger spring.
(Preemptive post= Sarge you suck at pictures and should stay away from cameras)

From left to right is the original firing pin spring. A C&R Surplus reduced power spring and the last one is the Wolff Spring 22 lb. I use the reduced power spring on the brush gun. Significantly reduces the time and effort to open the bolt/cock. Have never had a light strike at all.
Polished and greased the pressure points in the bolt.

Mounted up the BSA scope mounts and the Millet Red Dot.


I also have taken a 20 gauge bore brush on the end of my drill motor and polished up the throat.
The barrel is like chrome right now so it is ready.

I have sanded the stock and the 2nd layer of stain is drying right now. On this one I went with MinWax Gunstock stain. I also drilled and installed the 2 sling rings. One coat of Polyurethane on it and this is ready to go hunting.

I also noticed as I was sanding there was an inscription.
Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин which Google tells me translates to
"Property of Joseph Stalin"
It came right off and looks better now.
We will go make some history with this thing down in Hog Hooterville.
I gave the stock the finished OOOO steel wool and Howards Bee's Wax sanding. Makes the stock smooth as glass.

Installed the high dollar ChinaMart rifle slings

Put the sling on....
Installed the recoil lug and butt plate. I always put a strip of roofing tar paper in the stock guide (hell I dunno what the experts call it :) ) It does make a difference in reducing flyers and I do it in all my Mosin Brush guns. Stuff last till rapture and lifts the barrel in line perfectly.

Put it all back together and laser bore sighted it @ 50 yards from the hill back into a target I have taped on the wall of the garage. Dead nut.
Laced up the cheek rest/ammo holder (I love these $15 dollar things) It puts your face perfect in line with the high mount scope and holds 20 rounds (4 stripper clips) and it holds them there. Velcro is a wonderful thing.

I got another one yesterday from SOG. And I will do the same thing this week to it.

That's it guys. The muzzle brake will be here probably Tuesday...I will screw it on....probably have to thread a bit to get it to line up @ 90degrees....but all is simple.

Nothing I did in this conversion is difficult nor expensive. These are just great hunting rifles converted this way.

You can build this for under $200. Scope is like $50 and is the best inexpensive red dot out there IMHO.

Hope maybe this helps somebody and good shootin'!
I left out a issue with these MilSurps (not just Mosins guys)
Rarely is the barrel concentric with the rifle bore. So always be aware and careful any muzzle device will clear the exiting bullet. Often I have to drill and ream a muzzle device for that safety margin to compensate for an out of whack bore/barrel. Again, no big deal...but a safety issue when threading and installing a muzzle device on any MilSurp. Let me find a picture of a Mosin with one really out of whack to show you what I am talking about....

It will shoot accurately and reliably....just don't think about putting any muzzle device on one this far out of whack with the bore :)
The finished Hog/Brush Mosin project. Shoots great. Have made many of these for ranch use (mainly guest here Hog hunting) but this is the first red dot. I will say I am impressed with the quick acquisition and accuracy.


The scope rings are loose fitting and make the scope look crooked. The scope is dead on.....it is the scope rings that are wabberjocky :) Just FYI.
And yes I straightened up the candles for the old woman after I saw that picture :)
Bottom line is these are inexpensive to do. Great hunting/truck guns and can be shot for years with MilSurp ammo inexpensively. Guest here at the ranch love them and many a hog has caught the business end of one of these Mosin sporters.
I stay out of the "history destroying" discussion as these are all working guns. I have dozens of MilSurps and they all get shot/cleaned once a month at minimum.