M1895 Nagant revolvers


New member
Came across a guy selling one a few days ago for 350 bucks I couldn't believe his asking price but figured someone would snatch it up because of there availability..anyway does anyone think these will ever be available again at a reasonable price or has the stock completely dried up and these are the new prices??
Wow! I just checked J&G's website and they don't list any. That's a pretty fair barometer of current availability.

They're out there, but I do believe the evaporation process is well on its way.

Still, $350.00 is too much for a Nagant at the present time.
Sounds high.

I bought mine with a holster and cleaning rod unfired after the reconditioning for 130.00.

Quite an interesting revolver.

I want to reload for it but I don't like the idea of reloading the covered slug.
Way to much money.

Last year I spent $175 on a Tsarist-issue Nagant, great Cyrillic lettering, nicely refinished. Seller wanted $225 for it, no takers for 3 months.

You can get any of the WWII years for about $125-$150.
Really!!clasic has them in stock right now??if so I guess I need to go start buttering up my wife so I don't get my head chewed off for spending more money after I just bought a new gun last week...lol
Never mind just went to the site they are out of stock same as everywhere else with a realistic price..I got all excited there for a second
I bought mine for 99 buck a while back. They are a heck of a lot of fun, not very practical but fun.

$350??? would I pay that if I didn't already have one. Depends, I done some dump stuff over the years, paid some outrageous prices for stuff I didn't need.

So if I didn't have one, and the cheap ones were gone, yeah I'd probably pay that on a whim.

My next dumb stunt will more then likely be paying too much for a S&W M1917. I had one a long time ago that was stolen. Now that I'm really heavy in to surplus US Military Rifles I got to have another one.

I'm not very smart sometimes. But my greatest fear is dying with money in the bank.
Considering you can still get a CZ-82- an pistol that's actually a useful, precision firearm that's worth it's price even as a "modern" firearm at under $300, I just have to laugh at anyone that would pay $300 bucks for a Nagant revolver. Couldn't give them away for $99 until after Newtown when everyone feared our gubmint was going to try to confiscate everything with a firing pin.

My bet, is that if Republicans gain control of the Senate and retain the House, thus relieving this irrational fear that still exists, you're going to start seeing prices for some of these plummet.
My bet, is that if Republicans gain control of the Senate and retain the House, thus relieving this irrational fear that still exists, you're going to start seeing prices for some of these plummet.

That'd be nice. I like mine so much that I want another one.

My brother laughed at me when I bought mine at $130 ..... now he can't find one at twice the price.

As for being "actually usefull" ...... what's not usefull about the Nagant?

If you have the tools and knoledge to reload for it, the ballistics (100gr XTP @ 1,000 f/sec) are not bad, accuracy (in SA) for me has not been bad .... Mine locks up tight ..... it is a bit slow to reload, but if you are not in Bear Country, it'd be a fine woods gun.
My bet, is that if Republicans gain control of the Senate and retain the House, thus relieving this irrational fear that still exists, you're going to start seeing prices for some of these plummet.
Very doubtful. This isn't supposed to be a political thread, but don't you think that as long as there is someone in Washington with "a pen, and a phone" the same fear of infringement of our gun rights will continue.

The prices, like with everything else are very much set by supply and demand. With the Nagant revolvers as well as Mosins, and other milsurp arms needing importation their supply can easily be stopped with the stroke of that pen.
yeah, I almost snagged one before Christmas. they were everywhere for about 129-179$. shoulda, woulda, coulda. hopefully there will be another big import in the future
I wouldn't touch that 1932 Nagant, some moron put the new serial numbering on the left side and ruined the original markings. Get one with the new markings on the right side and not the left.