M16, the ultimate infantry rifle

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A WWII M16 would have been a hell of a thing...

All steel, wood stock and pistol grip. Heavy, but so were all the other rifles and MGs. It would probably end up looking like an extra-goofy BAR type deal.

If you could teleport modern materials back to that time, I bet they would have had plenty of use for the M16. The M2 carbine was well-liked as far as I know, and that's kind of the same concept.
If my only options were weapons of the era or a M16, the choice is easy. M16

If I had other options of modern military rifles I would not go with the M16. I have many hours with an M16 and I personally don't like it. I've had a few too many FTF and FTE's. My own personal opinion is that a weapon with a forward assist is a big clue not to go with that weapon. It's like paying extra for a car with two engines because they first might not start when you need it to. I've never had a use for a forward assist on any of the other military rifles I've fired.

What would I choose? TAR-21... a little payback from the future :D
Well I don't think they were doing a lot of 1000yd shooting and from my reading many of the Germans we're carrying the Sturmgewehr. An M16 in 6.8 SPC would have been a pretty good match for that in thick woods.
i'd want m240s and m21s and they can keep the colts cause berettas suck, they did have something better in the day:D

but yeah i think an m14 may do the trick, detachable mag, powerful, not wimpy like .223, low maintenance, walking around in the snow with no real buildings isnt good ar-15 maintenance weather.
I'd take an M-16A2 in that situation. Mine worked fine in Afghanistan (and yes, I did use it), and it works fine here in Iowa in the winter. In fact, I haven't had a malfunction that wasn't due to bad mags in mine--and I've been using one with blanks and live ammo for seven years.

AR/M-16 threads are getting to be just troll chow. And those of us who have operational experience usually get ignored. Love it or hate it, my M-16A2/M203 worked fine when I needed it. So did those of the men in my squad.

Don't want one, don't get one. Just don't try to talk me out of mine.
Did they even have 5.56 back then? Because without it I would stick to the
M1. A 30-06 M16 might be cool though, in a ridiculous way.
Me, me! Can I get the M-203 with that?

My dad and two uncles never talked much about that time. Dad was in the Navy in the Pacific. His brother (Marine) stormed Normandy. Mom's brother went in at Anzio.

This was gut and grind close warfare. IMHO the M-16 would have been an enhancement in this context for every element it was designed for.
So what is the point of this thread again?

I think its just "revenge" for the AK lover's thread a few days ago.

For as long as the AR and AK exisit, people will fight over which is better.

I think both are equal good for their designed purposes (which are different)
I just decided if we had to have a constant ar v. Ak thread I would put a new spin on it. I meant the situation, not the technology. SO you aren't the only one with modern weapons.

S I chose an actual battle that most knew something about and wanted to see what people would throw out.

So cold you have to run the guns dry b/c the oil was solidifying
ice.snow everywhere.
a lot of long range shooting.
Terrible supply lines.
No real rear area like are found in most situations today,
We will see how long this one lasts before in degenerates into the standard AR vs Ak/whatever flame war. Just the way you started the thread makes it clear you want to start another BS AK vs AR thread. As with all the other threads on this subject, I very much doubt anything new will be brought to light in this thread.
How about the need for flames?
Some winter clothing would have been much better.
It was one of the coldest winters on record in Belgium etc. And German 88mm shells hitting trees near foxholes sometimes made the point moot.

In 1940, being adapted to very bitter conditions helped the far outnumbered Finns beat the much larger Soviet forces.
When you are from the much warmer Ukraine, shivering with your platoon next to a very bright fire, the stealthy Finns in the woods could have used other rifles.
A .223 might have worked. Many Marines west of Danang, Vietnam called them "mouseguns".
Citing (Lt.) Philip Caputo, "A Rumour Of War".

The lack of winter uniforms also helped doom many German troops on the Eastern Front.
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RedneckFur, I agree with you, both have thier strengths and weaknesses, so the best thing is to have both in your group, the AK's for the short-mid range, and the M16s for mid-long range.
The American Rifleman just had a bio on a famous Finnish sniper. Apparently he killed most of his targets with a 9mm Suomi. I would have no trouble with an M16 in Bastogne like conditions - they are already used in colder environments on a regular basis. Alaska, for example.

However, if you don't want to use one that doesn't bother me in the slightest. I actually shoot my ARs instead of just reading about them on the Internet so I have confidence mine will work fine for me. If you don't have that confidence then use something else, the arrow is less important than the Indian.
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