Lt. Col. Grossman "on killing"

Very possible.... the Grossman I met in 83 at a Reserve Forces session stated that he was doing that kind of teaching "for a long time now"... so I have always assumed that they were the same person.... but... having not read the book (but have seen his TV interviews) and only talked to the "grossman" I met at the session... you could be more than right... besides the point is the type of training.... not so much the man....the Lt. was very very young (I was 17 at the time) and did not look like he was older than 19 himself..... but.... time distorts all memory and I do not claim to be all that smart anyway... but I will say... the training saved my butt several times...........
Just found something in my archives which relates to this sort of thing. It was the dedication of a book (the name of which I have now forgotten)--to Lee Marvin. I quote: "Lee Marvin was an actor who had a deep and very human understanding of evil. He was scheduled to speak at the symposium but did not live to speak there...When he visited Salado in 1983, we asked him how he felt when he saw himself on the screen. 'How do I feel when I see myself on the screen? I found it very unpleasant recently when I saw a film of mine called 'Point Blank', which was a violent film. I remember; we made it for the violence. I was shocked at how violent it was. Of course, that was ten, fifteen, eighteen years ago. When I saw the film I literally almost could not stand up, I was so weak. I did THAT? I am capable of that kind of violence? See, THERE is the fright; and this is why I think guys back off eventually. They say, 'No, I'm not going to put myself to those demons again'. The demon being the self."
