lowest recoil rifle for elk

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Thanks for all the opinions.

The discussion got heated when one buddy told her and her husband that she could use his 30-30 with 170 grainers, as long as she kept it within 100 yards.... which caused another guy to howl in protest, claiming that you needed at least a 200 grain bullet for elk, and 30-06 was the absolute minimum. I pointed out that 270 Win has had a good reputation as an elk gun, which caused further spitting and hair pulling. We ended up in two camps... My team, which thought that 7mm-08 and 270 win might be about the minimum, and the opposing team which maintained that 30-06 and 7mm-mag were the minimum, and 338 federal was preferable to either, and 338 win mag and 35 whelan were by far the preferred cartridge.

If they go elk hunting (and it is a big IF), it will be in the deep forests of Ontario north of Lake Superior. She is mid 50's excellent condition. She is a hunter and a shooter, but not really a "gun" person. And as Art pointed out, once it is sighted in, a successful hunt often involves just one shot.

Thanks again for confirming my thoughts.......... Jim
.... and as far as getting a new rifle, she is actually looking forward to getting a new one. She has her eye on Sako and Weatherby Mark V. The Mark V would blow her $2k budget, and probably is not available in the light calibers she needs)
Another thing you might consider is installing a Limbsaver or equivalent butt pad. All the reports are that there is a lot of reduction in felt recoil. I'm not particularly sensitive to recoil, but I don't equate masochism with intelligence, either. Softer is better...
I would say a Browning BAR (new modle) in 270 Winchester with their "BOSS" break would be about the lowest recoiling elk rifle you can get
I LOVE my Marlin .444 as a woods gun and a very accurate hunting rifle that I can shoot 1.5 inch groups at 100 yards with Skinner Peep sights. It weighs about 9.5 pounds with the added lead I had placed in the stock. I added Limbsaver and then covered that with a Kick Killer pad to protect the soft Limbsaver. It is a great gun to shoot, accurate and throws a big chunk of lead. It feels like a 20 ga to me.

If that is not to her taste, then make sure the rifle has a little extra weight, has a Limbsaver and then throw a Kick Killer on top of it and no matter what caliber you choose, it will ease the recoil.

As far as the .270, Jack O'Connor used that as his primary elk rifle. One of my friends in Idaho who has shot dozens of elk over the years uses that combination not just by coincidence. His father was good friends with Jack and learned well from his hunting experiences. So, yes, in the right hands, the .270 is a great rifle for elk.

I have never shot an elk, and likely will never get the chance.

Hve done a bunch of reading by those that have. I was thinking .270 as well, based on O/Connor's experience and now many others.

With modern high tech bullets, the .270 is likely more elk rifle than it was in Jack's day, and it seemed plenty good enough then.
If she can handle 3-5 shots from a 30-06 at a sitting, what's the problem? How many shots is she going to get at one time at an elk? If a 30-06 is too much, a 270 or a 7mm-08 with 140 grain premium bullets should do nicely.

She should get one of these:


You can buy shirts with a pouch to hold the pad, or it can easily be added to an existing shirt:

If she can shoot with confidence at the 200 yd limit,that matters a lot.If there is no pressure to "get one",she can wait till a proper rib/heart/lung shot is offered,or pass on the shot.
These "ifs" ,along with a substantial bullet,will be pretty reliable.Once through the ribs,the heart and lungs will soup pretty well.No,honestly I do not have experience shooting elk with a 6mm but I have seen it done with a 243.

On the idea of "She is OK for 3-5 shots with a 30-06"

I am not trying to assign limitations to her,but a concern might be,At what price?I can get down on a bench with a 416 Rem Mag for 3=5 shots,but I won't really enjoy it because it hurts.The danger is if I get the dread squinty eye cringe.Then I have to focus and follow through my way out of it.

I'm saying if she develops a flinch from trying to make a 30--06 work,the 30-06 will be less effective than the 6mm due to shot placement.

IMO,Peetza's 7-08 is a darn good suggestion.Maybe a 140 gr Accubond or Partition.

And,I will add,while a Sako or similar is a fine rifle,I would look very carefully at finding a rifle that fits her well.It may be something like a Ruger Compact or similar rifles would fill the bill.
I guess it depends on what is meant by "OK".

I'm saying if she develops a flinch from trying to make a 30--06 work,the 30-06 will be less effective than the 6mm due to shot placement.

If this is the case then she's NOT OK with the 30-06.
Try some managed recoil .30-06. They're quite a bit lighter with Remington's being a 125 grain core lokt at around 2650 fps. That's almost 2000 ft lbs of energy. I'm not sure how that little short bullet performs on elk, but core lokts are decent. Also, the 6mm will work with good bullets. Barnes comes to mind, as does Nosler. I've used 270 130 grain cheapo walmart federal specials, and they work just fine if you hit them behind the ear or centerpunch the lungs. Basically, with any lighter caliber, avoid heavy bone, specifically the shoulder bone. Out here in NM, it specifies .24 caliber centerfire or larger. CO has more specific regulations regarding energy, etc. Make sure she can shoot it, but more importantly, make sure you're legal. There are some interesting .30 caliber choices out there now like .30 T/C and .30 Remington AR. Before I get flamed, I must say I don't know the ballistics of these rounds, but they are worth looking at for a lower recoil alternative.
Get one that will fit her!

She has her eye on Sako and Weatherby Mark V

She should get what she wants, I love my mark V and the Sako's are dandies!

Since she has a past injury, make sure her LOP, comb to cheek, and most of the heel to shoulder area comes into contact. It sounds like she is lucky to be surrounded by other hunters with rifles. If so, I hope they'll lend her a few to get an idea of a proper fit (she doesn't even have to fire them). Have her pull up the gun to her shoulder and look through the scope, WITHOUT MOVING HER HEAD or leaning into the stock or leaning way back. This alone will improve felt recoil. If she contorts at all, its gonna hurt.

There are so many great guns out there in so many designs she should find one close to fitting her! - DO THIS FIRST, CALIBER NEXT!:cool:
I shoot a 6mm also, so you know that I understand the recoil of that round. I would consider a 308 in the AR platform with a brake. Its 180 gr bullet at 2650 fps has less recoil than my 6mm. hope this was helpfull.
IMO,Peetza's 7-08 is a darn good suggestion.Maybe a 140 gr Accubond or Partition.

As much a fan of the .270 WIN as I am, I vote 7-08 for the recoil shy..... my niece uses one for deer..... and she's 12. With controlled expansion bullets, I think it'd work just fine.

What weight of bullet is she using in the 6mm now? The original .244 Remingtons had too slow of a twist to stabilize 100 grain bullets .....
If it's a true 6mm and not a .244, she should stabilize 100 grain bullets. At least my 80's vintage gun does. That was the reason for the name change. It basically indicated a twist rate change.
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