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Lost Privileges After Admission to L & CR

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On a less serious note - I don't see any change in Glenn's sig links (in his post and in his profile). They look the same to me as they did this afternoon, and they were hot links then and still are now. :confused:

grymster2007 - When did you email John? Everyone should have been back to normal after Antipitas did his thang.
Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!

(Mal - check logs in staff room... ;) )

I emailed John on the seventh. Next day, all was well. Same issues, 'cept for the sig line. No email or PM in or out, couldn't find me on the members list. Could post, but contact functionality was gone. John was only TFL staffer I had email address for.

Y'all be careful with all them fancy gadget adjustments; you could create mini black holes and suck this universe into a different one.... Hey, maybe I'll be handsome AND smart there.... OK; odds are not so good...:mad:
In technicalize talk, here's what happened:

Dave created the new forum, but you had to have a special permission to post in it. So Dave also created the fizzbin permission. Then I activated the forum. Things were looking good.

Dave activated the first couple of members fizzbin permissions, so when I had some to activate, I looked at what he had done and copied it.

Then you folks could post in the new forum, but you started having problems. "Hmmm," says I. Well mal looked and found out that we had replaced your regular permissions with the fizzbin permissions. Mal said that, "No, no, guys. You add the fizzbin with regular, don't replace regular with fizzbin." OK, that sorta made sense. Like taking a tequila sunrise, only with Harvey wallbanger ingredients! (still with me here?)

So I went and turned everyone back into Sunrises... Then I made you all wallbangers. Some of you were stubborn, and it took a second shot of galiano to get your wall banging. Only... Now the siglines worked and didn't work. That is, I discovered that some worked and some didn't. So I went back into the bar and double checked that all your walls. Um, yup. Harvey was with all of you. Scratched my head and decided to make a gin and tonic and think about it. That was the ticket! I realized what the problem was.

So, I went back into the bar, opened up the jar of fizzbin and counted what was in it. Then I compared what was in the regular stuff... "Ah HAH!" I cried. Dave forgot the scorpion wings. And the little crawley do-dads. So I added an appropriate amount of little crawley do-dads and scorpion wings, recapped the jars and placed them back by the sunrises and wallbangers and, viola!

"By George! I think I have it," says I. (Still with me?) Well, you remember that um, button? You know, the big red one? That was for Singapore Slings. Didn't need that, on top of the sunrises, wallbangers and tonic. So I packed it back up too.

So, that's what happened. In technicalize. . . . hick!
I still think that you guys need to adjust the wattage being supplied to the flux capacitor. Remember, it's 1.21 gigawatts. Oh, and the server's turbine inlet temperature looks a little high. You might want to look at that before you have turbine blades fracturing and flying through the server casing. Could get a wee bit dangerous, maybe even cause an inflight fire. :p
We ran a level 3 diagnostic on the server this morning. The flux capacitor input power was found to be within acceptable tolerances but we did find a couple of fused relays. We have our newest recruit, 44 AMP, scrubbing the plasma conduits right now as we type. We figured he was the most current on the procedure. [*groan*]

I've never had a problem with any of the mods here but wouldn't this thread be consindered a "chat room like" that a member recently got banned for? Seems like yall are awful laxed and off topic in your own thread here. :confused:
Mal H made me do it...

Here I sit, wishing I too were having these problems, if they're the price for being admitted to the lofty heights of L & CR...

Semper ego auditor tantum? Numquamne reponam...?
hoytinak is absolutely right, except for the part about someone getting banned over a chat room thread. No one was banned for that. The original problem is fixed - closed.
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