Lost my paperwork after a 6 month wait?


New member
I ordered a .223 suppressor over six months ago and I've been asking my FFL every month about the status of my paperwork. The last e-mail I got said that they don't know what happened to the paperwork, what's the deal? They said they are looking for the forms and are calling the ATF and tracking them down but that was a month ago. The last e-mail I sent last week went unanswered. Any way I can get in touch with the ATF to check on this myself? This is my first suppressor and I sure hope I don't get scammed. This is the company that I ordered from, did it all over e-mail and snail mail. Perhaps I should have went into the shop in person and dropped off the paperwork:

You could call the NFA, but you'd also need the serial number on the suppressor to get the status. I think this is their current number: (304) 616-4500

So are they telling you that they received your forms back from the NFA, then lost them?
I'm not sure if they included a serial number with the paperwork or not. After five months I got this e-mail from them, sounds like they don't know what is going on:

The notes I have here say that we sent you the forms and then you needed to get them to the So office to have them sign??? And then get them back to use??? Did you send them to the ATF// thx
Iron Ridge

I filled out the forms and sent them to Iron Ridge and they were supposed to include my payment (paid via credit card) and forward them to the ATF.
Payment is supposed to be attached to your forms via a check or MO.

I'd call the NFA and see if they've received anything and go from there.

You should have had to get the CLEO signoff on your forms, fingerprints, and mugshot, along with all other things involved in a form 4, then mail them yourself to the NFA once completed.
I called that number, looks like it's a good working number. They asked me for the serial number so I asked my FFL, hopefully they have the number written down somewhere.
Yea, I had all of that stuff together and paid the whole amount to my FFL. The FFL wanted me to send everything to them so they could attach my $200 (paid via credit card along with my suppressor) and send it along to the ATF. I'm hoping they sent it to the ATF.
When I bought my SBR, my dealer filled out his information on the form 4, then mailed everything to me.

I signed everything that was necessary, attached my check, appropriate sections of my trust, and mailed them in myself.

I attached a money order, so I couldn't see when the actual check was cashed, but it only took me 76 days from start to finish.

Sounds like these guys are a bunch of clowns.

I'd be on the phone with the FFL asap, and the NFA. If you've been screwed, I'd then be on the phone with my credit card company disputing the charges.
Yep, I got the fingerprints, Sheriff sign off, passport photos, form 4, etc. etc. Put it all together and sent it to my FFL. I paid in full with my debit card and have a record of the transaction. Have all the e-mails too, even this one that shows they received my paperwork:

From: Tech [mailto:tech@ironridgeguns.com]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 1:31 PM
To: 'Chris Hardwick'
Subject: RE: : Suppressor for Bushmaster XM15 ES2 with 16" Barrel/Iron Ridge/

Chris got your paper work….. did you get me a check I don’t remember??

From: Chris Hardwick [mailto:cchardwick@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 8:38 PM
To: 'Tech'
Subject: RE: : Suppressor for Bushmaster XM15 ES2 with 16" Barrel/Iron Ridge/

OK, when I get the paperwork all together I’ll send it all your way. Thanks for taking care of all this red tape for me, it sure makes things easier.


From: Tech [mailto:tech@ironridgeguns.com]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:53 PM
To: 'Chris Hardwick'
Subject: : Suppressor for Bushmaster XM15 ES2 with 16" Barrel/Iron Ridge/

I had to order the M4-2000 should be on the way in a couple of weeks, we need to have ATF sigh off on the deal from the Manf. Then It will come to us here, then we will include the SN. To the form …So when you get it back send it to us here. We have the 200.00 payment as well which we will include.
Iron Ridge
1110 delaware Av suite A
Longmont Co 80501
So I guess what you need to do is get the FFL on the phone and get the serial no. for the can, then call the NFA and see what the deal is. Something isn't right if it's taking that long.
Yea, this is scaring the crap out of me, I just got done with a big camera scandal that me and my wife got involved in that we fought for about eight months before we got all our money back (a couple thousand bucks), what a nightmare. I was thinking about getting a new 9mm handgun with suppressor but after this nightmare I'm thinking twice about it. Too bad you couldn't just walk into a place and buy a suppressor like you can buy a gun or ammo and walk out with it the same day.
Keep us posted as to what excuse your FFL uses this time.

Oh yea, pass the corn....this should be good.

Best of luck man...keep us updated!!

In the future, might I suggest Machine Gun Tours in Dumont for future NFA transactions? They are good people and will work hard to make sure you get exactly what you want...
You will have to communicate with Iron Ridge, hopefully they will not string you along, nothing ordered from AAC comes in a couple weeks.
Incompetent fools...

OK, here's the update. So I got an e-mail from Iron Ridge about two weeks ago and they said they hadn't heard from ATF, but then a day or so later I got an e-mail from ATF answering my question, they said they sent the approved form to Iron Ridge a month ago! So I asked if they could resend the form and sure enough it reached Iron Ridge in about two days.

So today I went to get my suppressor from Iron Ridge, only thing is that they messed up the paperwork. :mad: They had listed an AAC M42000 but then put the serial number to a GemTech suppressor, and even pulled a GemTech and put my name on it, what the heck? Now they are saying I have to go back to the Sheriff and get his signature again, maybe fingerprints again, and resubmit my paperwork for corrections? And on top of that I drove three hours round trip to get to Iron Ridge and back only to come home ****** off and empty handed.


get your money back and go through a reputable dealer. These guys are clowns and you need to inform the NFA of their shady dealings. Seriously. They shouldn't be dealing NFA items if they don't have their stuff together.

You'll have to eat the $200, unless you can get someone from NFA on the line and hopefully get some help from them.

These guys are morons.
I agree, but I've been unemployed for some time now and can't afford to eat my $200. I just want to get my suppressor and be done with them.
Call Oliver back and have him straighten it out. He can submit a corrected set of forms with the proper serial number and manufacturer...the original $ 200 transfer fee will be applied and HE will have to explain to BATF why HE screwed up the paperwork.

This process will NOT require another set of prints or and new LEO signature.

I have heard many stories of IRON RIDGE ...this just goes to prove what they do best....and worst.

............and then have him tell you what he will do to make this all right with you !