Lost items

we don't have parking lots here, people tend not to like hunting in the same place that has other people in it. generally I find outhouses a lot, although those are kindof intentional. I have never found anything cool, or useful while out hunting, though my brother in law has found some decent knives. I tend to find some good stuff while fishing though, expensive lures, fishing poles, etc etc. I have stopped on the side of the road and found some good brass piles to pick through though.

I found this rangefinder near a reservoir a mile out into the sagebrush on huntable private land.

It was right where some white tail does can be jumped up.
When I was a kid in Indiana, I found the head of a 4 tine pitch fork in the woods behind my house. My dad made me throw it out, but it sparked a life long interest in history.
Wish I still had it.
Fishing poles- usually with the last eye broken.
Ice chests, thermos, pop up deer blind, one of those two pronged things you hook on a downed tree to drag it out of the woods, chains, bar stools, 30 pack of beer in a 5 gallon bucket, knives, and other odd stuff.

The best find was a high end bicycle that could have cost as much as $4000. Found that floating in the river. Put an ad on craigslist and found the original owners ex girlfriend and from the sounds of it the couple was in a local bike race and he got mad and threw the bike off the bridge into the river then reported it stolen. I contacted the owner and they wouldn't respond so I contacted the ex again and it was highly ensured and he had recently bought a new bike. So I gave it to someone who needed a bike and would treat it better.
Found a deflated storm-tracker weather balloon on our deer lease ranch north of Uvalde. Mailed the "magic box" to NOAA.

Back in the 1960s during a screw worm outbreak, we'd occasionally find one of the KFC-sized boxes which were air-dropped with irradiated (sterile) male flies. (They only breed once and because of the sterility, no offspring.)
Lost more than found

Lost a $100+ Puma Game Warden lockblade knife Fall of 1999. Second blade had a guthook tip on it. About 3 years ago, I lost a $300 bino- 8x30 MC Minox (?).
