Los Angeles goes after reloaders (??)

Planet La La, I mean California is a lost cause I fear since the majority of the populace believes the UN progated lie that eliminating access to firearms will suddenly cause criminals to start a "massive love in".

To our brothers and sisters who are not poisoned by this idealogical manure, leave the State as soon as you can.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
The site:

The story:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>L.A. Considers Ending Sale Of Bullets
Ammunition Ban Would Exempt Police Officers
LOS ANGELES, Updated 11:47 p.m. PST November 15, 1999 -- If you can't outlaw guns, outlaw the bullets.

That's the thinking behind a proposed measure that would ban the sale of ammunition within Los Angeles city limits.

On Monday, the city council took the first step toward the ban, forwarding the idea to the police commission for a response after they listened to testimony from victims of gun violence.

"We, and thousands of other kids living in Los Angeles, are afraid of being shot. Last year in our city, over 150 kids were shot," 12-year-old Theo Milonopoulas told councilmembers.

"It's a step and a start in a direction toward safety and security for us," Ruett Foster said. Foster lost his son Evan to a stray bullet in a gang shooting.

Councilman Mike Hernandez, who sponsored the measure, says he is aware that if patrons don't buy the ammunition from a store in L.A., they can simply go to any other store in L.A. County. But, he says, he hopes L.A. paves the way for other cities.

"We assume that one city takes a position, other city tends to follow," Hernandez told CBS 2 News.

But the measure already has many critics.

"It's typical that Mike Hernandez, with the big drug problem, has proposed to save the world from everything else," Bob Khan, owner of B & B Gun Sales, told the television station.

Khan says the council needs to focus on laws which do work. He says people can easily buy bullets through the mail and that this proposal is a "total lie." Khan said ammunition isn't the problem.

"The first thing is to coordinate with the federal government to put felons caught with a firearm in jail for five years. And the state and the city have never gotten together to prosecute one of these people for false registration," he said.

Khan as well as a number of other dealers will take the city to court if the measure moves forward. The council told CBS that they are expecting that and want to fight it all the way.

Police officers, retired police officers, and shooting ranges will be allowed to buy bullets and are exempt from the proposed ban.

There are only a few cities that ban ammunition sale. Chicago is one of the larger cities that does.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
>>>>""We, and thousands of other kids living in Los Angeles, are afraid of being shot. Last year in our city, over 150 kids were shot," 12-year-old Theo Milonopoulas told councilmembers. "

And how many of these "kids" were 16 - 18 year old gang bangers, drug sellers, or involved in other illegal or high risk activities?

If they'd keep the criminals in jail rather than probation, they wouldn't be out there to kill others.