Lorcins vs Glock


New member
Sorry, I saw Mike H compare a Glock to a Lorcin :) and I had to start something :)
Does ANYONE like a lorcin? I have a story about them
One time I was at the range and some guy had a lorcin 25 POS. The first 5 rounds went ok and after than I think I saw more kinds of malfunctions and strange behaviour from that one gun, than I ever have seen from ALL of mine :) I finally felt sorry for him and let him shoot my 1911 so he'd know what a *real* gun felt like :)
Any other lorcin tales? Mike, can you validate that comment about the glock? (Heh)
Hey, I like Lorcins.
They shatter into tiny tiny bits in a most amusing fashion when struck by 7.26x39 FMJ.

See? I *like* shooting Lorcins. And Ravens. And Jennings. Literally. :D

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I was just thinking o my self how can yo ever compare a glock to a lorcian??
Thats likecomparing a pento vs a corvet
Guys, they're definitely POS's, but I'm glad they're there. If they'll go bang just one time for a poor working waitress or a student who just wanted SOMETHING while working through grad school... well, you see where I'm going. And the Ravens.. used to be, they weren't as bad...


That said, I've NEVER owned one-- I LIKE quality! :D

And your stock Glock isn't really a Corvette-- more of a Caprice Classic. Lorcins aspire to be 'vettes...
Che-vettes! :)

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Damn I was gonna tell you to wipe the KY of your a**cheeks after I saw the title.

All the cheap handguns like Lorcin, Jennigs, and Davis are POS. I've sold a number of them to our local P.C. migrant farm workers and I worry more about the workers BLOWING off their own hands than hurting anyone else.
If you can fire an entire magazine out of one your either lucky or suicidal. Even after checking, fitting, and polishing the parts in the gun you are still not going to get it fire and cycle everytime. I know as I had to try and get one to cycle reliably. Man what a dumnb move on my part.



[This message has been edited by Woody (edited November 19, 1999).]
Comparing a Lorcin to a Glock isn't that much different from comparing a 1911 to a Glock. The 1911 is just a litte more inclined to fire under pressure than the Lorcin. ;)

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!
My brother's Lorcin had the tremendously frightening habit of firing the chambered round when you seat a full magazine stiffly.

After that, *anything* looks good!

Thank God, he was following the 4 Rules... None of us expected it, especially him. He sent it back - they sent him a NEW GUN. Not even worth repairing. He left it in the box and never touched it again. I keep telling him to sell it.

Dangerous trash.
I thought everyone here forgot what you posted the day after ;) I love Glocks really KY. Was the story you were thinking of when I polished the slide on an L-380 one time and overdid it, because the word Glock was underneath, or that if you record the word Lorcin and play it backwards on your stereo you hear Glock, or the way Glock owners always walk in circles because they have a toe missing, or the way they offend people when they wave because they only have one finger on their hand... hey just kidding you Glockenspielers, great guns, no honestly ;)

Regards as Ever

Mike H
Hey, if it's all you can afford and own, then it'll do... that is untill it blows off your hand and slings the slide through your skull!

I mean the Lorcin, that is...
What do Glocks and Lorcins have in common?
Thats easy: people who hate Glocks keep repeating the rumours that Glocks blow up all the time.
The Lorcins-they REALLY do blow up all the time!!
Sorry guys :) Just wanted to make some Glock owners take notice of me (Maybe annoy a couple) :) I like a glock, and would not worry if I carried one into a combat situation (OK, I'd worry about the situation, just not the glock) My self personally though, I'd MUCH prefer one of my 1911s. For a gun that is really over 90 years old (They were first submitted to the US Mil in 1909) They are the best.
Battle proven, and tough as hell, the are in my opinion one of the best handguns ever made.
I think a glock is about as good, but it's taken 80+ years to EQUAL the 1911 design. Must of the "My glock is better" or "my 1911 is better" I think comes simply from shooter style/shooter preferences.
My style says a 1911 is more comfortable, and more accurate. As far as reliablity goes, none of my 1911s have ever given me any trouble (Except w/ colt mags. Dunno why but colt factory mags never work right for me)
My preference is for combat related weapons. It's fine to be able to shoot hyper-accurately, but the most important to me is a combat gun.
So, what it really breaks down to for me is, I'd rather have a gun (Design) that has seen more combat and have consistantly preformed well.
Back to lorcins...
I saw one once that every time you fired it, the slide would pop off instead of cycling another round into the chamber. Never seen a Glock do that :) But... You never know :) All that cheap plastic in those things... You just never know :)
Glock vs Lorcin?
I thought they were the same thing, like Ford and Mercury.

hehehe ;)

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Yeah, I thought that Glock was made by Lorcin, too! Just that the Lorcins had a higher finish. ;)

45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel!
As least a lorcin is metal... which makes it a better club/kuckleduster than a plastic glock. ;)

I've never had the (dis?)pleasure to fire a lorcin/jennings/davis so Ican't give any honest opinions about them.. but if they are really that bad.. WHY SELL THEM? I mean isn't that a product liability lawsuit waiting to happen???? (slide popped off when I pulled the trigger??? Ejecting magazine fired the gun etc etc) That kind of workmanship gives CREEDANCE TO THE ANTI's wanting to ban "cheap" guns. Really if they are that BAD DON'T BUY THEM AND DON'T SELL THEM.

I have seen a lot of expensive weapons jam/misfire/fail to operate and its USUALLY because of the shooter not the gun.

SO I guess my point is if you have to get something inexpensive.. buy a used .38 sw&w model 10 and learn to shoot it.

a 17 shot wondernine in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to use it is FAR less dangerous than a trained shooter with a .38.

You want inexpensive?? Buy FEG of Hungary.

my 2¢

All fun and jokes aside...
A Glock is a worthy pistol. If need be - I would pack a Glock and be content with it.

The Lorcin - is not worthy of being a paperweight. Suprisingly - Lorcins are made by REMINGTON. (as I understand - maybe some one could clarify that for me?) For Remington to make a complete POS would make me reconsider most other Remington purchases.
Lorcins are great guns for the Bad Guys to have.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
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