Looking fot 1847 walker colt replica

colt again?

Well, I tried to call our gunsmith today but if I wanted to get real long winded you might get bored; but our shop has very little interest in c/b revolvers so we moved our real estate appraisal biz over there to pay the rent. But the folks that do like them buy the cheapest of the cheapest! This gunsmith came in months ago- he's disabled and can't work but knows guns in and out -especially these. He fixed all broken ones(cheap ones) for customers and they are all pleased with work. He is going to some type of colt seminar that certifies him as a colt gunsmith. He said-Monday that colt is going to produce these again. I asked him if it would affect the values of the 2nd and 3rds And he said no because they are going to be very economical. Now I don't know him that well and whether he's blowing smoke but I feel that if what he says is true then black powder is coming back due to all we already know about scarcity and new gun laws etc. Yes this might affect the value of the 2nd and 3rds maybe lower their values or increase them. And we don't know if they are only going to be offered through dealers. I will find out as much as I can soon but have been bust doing appraisals than researching further what I posted. Maybe contact colt to see if they acknowledge this as true. By the way I think I saw a Walker on gunsinternational(Colt 2nd) for sell at a reasonable price. I do know that these colts are offered at higher prices than last year but do not know what they are selling for. We have plenty in our shop:D Even originals:D
Wouldn't surprise me if Colt got back into the BP market again. The market is as strong or stronger than ever. Uberti has created that market and must be doing very well to have stayed in it for this long. In my opinion, Colt would be missing a big opportunity if they didn't. They would be selling to both shooters, collectors, and speculators. Frankly, I bought my collectible 3rd gen Colts because of the name on the box.