Looking for other squirrel assasins

I like this discussion...

Something to offer and something to ask...

First, I am an assistant museum curator of mammals at the school I attend and I routinely get to skin Silky Pocket Mice which are no larger than your pinky. The trick to hangin on to them is to use corn meal. Plus it helps soak up any fluids.

My question: Has anyone used a nice sling shot on squirrels and other small varmints with any success? Trumark makes a nice sling shot complete with stabilizer bars and fiber optic sights for about $20.

Haven't tried a slingshot, killed a cat with one when I was little. Unfortunately what I thought was a stray was actually Mrs Johnson's two doors down. Now God, You all, and I are the only one's who knows who killed the cat ;)

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"