Looking for facts

Rush had 3 to 6 times the audience of Franken depending on market which may be why he was harder to talk to.
Having a larger audience just makes it harder to get your call answered, not to get through the screening process. Once they pic up the phone it is still just a couple producers doing the screening on all the shows. The first theing they start asking on Rush is "Do you agree with Rush", "How would you describe your politics?", etc. before they even let you talk. On Randy rhodes they just say "Are you calling to talk to Randy?" and "Which topic do you want to discuss?"
"First, most people who smell the idea of a conspiracy or desire to uncover an aspect of history not previously known, tend to "jump" to the conclusion to which they want to believe."

Amen to that. Statistics guy TL Fine said

"Too keen an eye for pattern finds it everywhere." People see what they want for sure. I want to see this conspiracy turn out just BS.

Course the other part of that is Francis Bacon,

"The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion ... draws all things else to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side, yet these it either neglects and despises ... in order that by this great and pernicious predetermination the authority of its former conclusions may remain inviolate."

I guess we just gotta muddle through best we can.

"I would not like to stand trial now for the beliefs I had at the age of twenty"

Amen twice to that. Lord makes me shudder to think:eek:. But I also think we gotta own up to our mistakes and accept correction when we should. There's mistakes and then mistakes. Sometimes you screw up you got take your punishment. You can't just pretend nothing happened. The son and grandson of a fascist who tried to over throw the US was both elected president for a total of three terms. To me there's something worrisome in there. Not that Im saying the sins of the father should be visited upon the son. But I know my grandad had a heck of a hand in making me and what I think. Dad too for that matter.

I'm still pondering this one. LIkely to be for some time.

I do appreciate all your alls help.
The son and grandson of a fascist who tried to over throw the US was both elected president for a total of three terms. To me there's something worrisome in there.

From reading your posts it's becoming apparent that this was your belief from the start and you were just baiting us along.

I never knew my grandfather as he died 92 years ago when my father was a few months old.Using your logic I hope he didn't do anything bad.
Right...conservative talk shows are all about free speech.

In the past few years I have called Randy Rhodes twice, to tell her she is a nutcase, and made it to air both times.

I called Sam Seder once to correct him on a fact he got wrong about military service and Al Franken once to tell him I enjoyed his last book and to discuss the importance of tax reform. Again I made it to air both times.

I have called Rush at least a dozen times and I never make it past the intensive screening process. I was even called a "liberal nutcase" by his screener because I said I wanted to challenge Rush on a statement he had just made about Autism which was completely incorrect.

I have called O'Reilly a few times and also never made it past the screening process.[/quote]I think you misunderstand what is meant by free speech. It means an owner can buy a radio station and air what he wants (FCC limitations excluded). I listen to Rush every weekday and many liberals get on, he says he moves them to the head of the line. Every liberal talk show I've heard is hurting for callers, I'm not surprised you got on. Rush's show has a huge marketplace, you have some serious competition to get on.

I didn't hear the autism comment but people send him emails and he does correct things. I certainly don't agree with all that's said by him, O'Reilly, Medved, etc but they do give substantial time to others viewpoints. All I hear on the left side of the dial is vilification of opposing views. The right tends to mock the leftist ideology, the left tends to mock the person.
"From reading your posts it's becoming apparent that this was your belief from the start and you were just baiting us along."

Sorry you see it like that. Im trying to look like looking hard for facts.

"I never knew my grandfather as he died 92 years ago when my father was a few months old.Using your logic I hope he didn't do anything bad."

My thinking is if you did know him what he said and thought would matter to you and be real hard to turn your back on. Thats how my grandad felt to me. I expect others feel that way too. Sorry you never did know yours.

You seem more riled than what I wrote seems to me to deserve. Im saying if this is true

"The son and grandson of a fascist who tried to over throw the US was both elected president for a total of three terms."

I find it troubling. Sorry that pushed your buttons.
Zerojunk I just figured out your the one who said the video wasn't fox. How did you figure that out. When I put it on it says fox breaking news. I guess you got the sound to play? how'd you do it? thanks.
Zerojunk I just figured out your the one who said the video wasn't fox. How did you figure that out. When I put it on it says fox breaking news. I guess you got the sound to play? how'd you do it? thanks.

It is obvious that it is an anti-Bush, conspiracy type production out of character for Fox or any other mainstream media production. It says something about the intended audience that the maker would think anybody would think it was real.
"it is an anti-Bush, conspiracy type production out of character for Fox or any other mainstream media production"

Well now that you say that it does look kinda cheezy. I guess I thought it was showing old photos but the colored print do look low dollar. I figured there was some kinda voice over going.

Let me add your courtesy is appreciated and is a credit to you and your convictions.