Looking for a very accurate 22LR

The CZ 455 has shot well for me, but it took a barrel change to get there. I also recommend shimming the first 3" of the stock with inner tube rubber. DIP bottom metal is nice too. Also drop the action screw torque to about 15 in-lbs. No matter what bottom metal you've got it will flex at the factory 25 in-lbs.

The two different CZ .22 varmint barrels have both had the same dietary "preferences" - CCI standard velocity for cheap stuff, and RWS R100 for expensive stuff. I replaced the barrel because the first one developed first shot flyer issues apparently this is more common with CZs than with most .22s, but is still barrel-specific.
Having that kind of money to spend on a one size fits all CZ. Why not go "First Class." Have a rifle custom built to your specifications and measurements.
These days that's the surest way to better any store bought firearms accuracy. Matched with appropriate and better optics. And too ammo experiments. Promises to be a exciting adventure.
This is what I ended up with for small bore match but unless you are planning on being a very active match shooter you really don't need to spend that kind of money. There are a lot of other really good .22 rimfire rifles out there that will do everything you probably want with out the 4 figure initial outlay and a marked preference for high dollar match grade ammunition on top of that. Personally I like the CZ's and the Remington Matchmaster for accurate fun shooting.


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SGMS-yeah, that would do it.
Anschutz with the 54 action? Maybe the super match 1413?

At least that kind of looked like a rifle.Today's Anschutz match rifles are much more space agey looking.


I guess a critical question that should have been asked is does the op want to spend more or less than $1000? (The Anschutz match guns are mostly more than $3000 :eek:)
Anschutz. Your budget will dictate if it's an old Savage Anscutz, a used 54 action, or maybe a new Meister grade Sporter. In any case it'll be accurate. I don't understand the tendency to buy a 10-22 and replace everything but the bolt and receiver...not saying I didn't do it, I just don't know why I did.
I learned a great deal about being an amateur gunsmith with my inexpensive Savage FTR. It was fun and making it shoot well cost me less than the typical 10-22 re-do even though the man-hours are probably similar if not more. I more-or-less did everything to my Savage. I still have it and I enjoy shooting it. But the result is the same; i.e. a pretty impressive, inexpensive rifle that shoots well, but it ain't "very" accurate. It's simply accurate.

I don't regret doing it and I even won the informal monthly 22LR contest at my local range........................ once. But the guys who win this little contest on a regular basis ALL shoot Anschutz.

If were interested in a "very" accurate 22LR I would not fool around with Ruger, Savage, or CZ. Get an Anschutz. If I needed a "very" accurate 22LR, I certainly would.
What is your age range preference? If you don't mind some C&R action I would look for a Savage Model 2A, 6D, 87A, (there are a bunch of different designations) but here is an example of one: http://www.gunauction.com/buy/12556868

For iron sights they are DEAD accurate, I've hit well beyond 100 yards with one without issues. They are also drilled and tapped for a scope. The best part is they take LR, long, and short. I'd bet that you could pick most up for under $200.