Looking for a very accurate 22LR


New member
I'm looking for a very accurate 22, my initial online searching has me looking a CZ 455 Varmint.
I've got a Nikon Prostaff 3-9X50 that needs a home, so I'm thinking the CZ 455 Varmint might be just what I'm looking for. Any thoughts or suggestions?
If I were to get an extremely accurate 22LR, then I would have to go on an endless quest for equally accurate ammo and I would find myself scrounging around for ammo that was made in the '60's and '70's. Well, I guess I already do that.....
Buy a Ruger 10/22. Throw away anything made by Ruger and replace with quality parts. Actually you probably get away with just a new barrel and trigger group, add a long magazine release and an auto-bolt catch. I use one for mini-silhouette and can cover a 10 round hole with a penny with the right ammo.
For a field grade, my Remington 512 is very accurate. It was made the same year my wife, and the really cool Chevys came out, 1955. I paid $40 for it several years ago in a Trading Post, and its an absolute tack driver. I have an old Tasco 3~12x40 on it, and can shoot a groundhog in the eye at 100 yards.
4 years ago I was looking for a bolt action 22lr to shoot indoors during the cold months, I bought used CZ 452 varmint, great rifle & very accurate, shoots one ragged hole group using Wolf match target, standard velocity. Just love the rifle, built like a high powered rifle. The bore is tighter then most 22's had to use a 20 cal. one piece cleaning rod. Maybe the reason why they are so accurate. The 455 is the newer version, will last forever. I order the 22's from Champion Shooters Supply.
How much money do you have to spend on the gun?

How much money do you have to spend finding the right amm?

Years ago I met a gent who was shooting an Anshutz. He was running extrordinary groups with Eley Club. Turns out that his gun ran SPECTACULAR groups with Club.. better than it ran with Tenex. He bought several CASES of that lot of Club. He told me that he had gone through close to a case of ammo to find what it REALLY liked.

How Accurate are you REALLY looking for?
Anschutz. Your budget will dictate if it's an old Savage Anscutz, a used 54 action, or maybe a new Meister grade Sporter. In any case it'll be accurate. I don't understand the tendency to buy a 10-22 and replace everything but the bolt and receiver...not saying I didn't do it, I just don't know why I did.
Having more .22's than any other caliber, I have to say my Rem 513T is hands down the most accurate. Next is a 50 year old Savage bolt, then it would be my CZ's (both a 452 and 455). The various levers and pump are fun to shoot, but don't hold a match to the bolts. The 10-22's are kit guns, loads of fun, but again no where near the bolts.

I would opt for a CZ or one of the Savages.
you can NOT go wrong with a CZ...

Agree. CZ Varmint, American, or Ultra Lux, if you can find one.

But as someone else pointed out, it helps to feed an inherently-accurate rimfire rifle with high-quality Match-type ammo if you want to wring out every bit of its capability on target.
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for the money cz....money no object them anschutz or cooper maybe

if you want a semi platform then volq makes some pretty sweet toys
Out of curiousity, has anyone here have any experience with the Browning T-bolts? LGS is running a special of $539 for them, I've looked but went with my CZ Mannlicher 455 instead. But I'm still curious about the Browning.
I second the CZ, then buy a box of every kind of ammo you can find. 22's are picky on ammo and will shoot one brand better than other's. My 10/22 like mini-mags while my marlin like thunderbolts.
I have a 39A with a Williams receiver sight that will put 5 Winchester Super X 36gr HP's under a 1/2" at 50yds.