Looking for a new gun and would love advice

Oops failed to mention. I did buy a Victory 22 for target back in November. Well to say it never worked in an understatement. Had to go back three times and SW finally offered a refund hence why I have some funds. Maybe going towards another similar makes sense. Maybe the Mark IV would have been a better option. I do have the SR22 that I use at the range but it's not very accurate.

Leaning towards a .22 target gun. Is the Mark IV what I should be looking at? Any other suggestions?

What's the problem?

I can only say my Mark II is perfect, never jammed I can remember, I must had at least 7,000 rounds or more through it. It is accurate. I can easily get 10+ shots group in less than 1 1/2" for 25yds if I benched firing. And this is without scope and only using Winchester Wildcat bullets only, nothing match grade ammo. I suspect it's my eyes that limited the accuracy( no scope). I have no reason to think Mark IV is not as good. Cheaper doesn't not mean lesser in this case. ha ha, I only paid $160 at the time!!!:D

funny I have two S&W model 17 6" revolver that were supposed to be target grade. They were not accurate. One just not that accurate, the other had fliers!!! Every few shot, there's always had a flier. I sent it back, they couldn't detect the problem and sent back a target with tight group of 5. I gave up. There are so many bad shots that they just assume it's me that had the fliers. So we finally packed the two away and chuck it as lost. My Mark II, Gold Cup 45 and my 8" Colt Trouper can do so much better.
I agree with sigarms228: the HK lineup has some great offerings - the P30 series, USP series, and the VP series are outstanding choices. As are the Beretta and CZ pistols mentioned.

But I also agree with defjon's take on a S&W Governor. I went with a Taurus Judge and have no regrets. It's a huge, heavy option that always puts a big goofy grin on my face when I pull the trigger. Plus it makes one helluva nightstand gun.
I'm with many here. A 1911 is a must, and to be the real deal, as far as I'm concerned, should be in .45 ACP. And make it as close to MILSPEC as possible. Yeah, too much military still in me. :)
You are missing the best 9mm on the planet. CZ 75 or variant. CZ SP01, CZP01 would also be great and a Kadet 22 conversion kit to go with it. Those who have CZs buy more CZs:D

I agree a good 45 ACP 1911 would be another must have. Kimber is a good one to start with.
You got to have a 1911 45ACP. It's a piece of history. There are so many after market parts for it. Books that talked about how to improve the 1911. I got my Gold Cup, I don't want to buy another one, but I will keep that for good.

I have a friend in Toronto, he has so many 1911 style pistols I lost count. He just love it. 1911 is almost a cult, people that love it really love it. For me, I won't want it for self defense because it's SA cocked and locked. My Gold Cup is doing the job for target shooting already.
The Ruger Mark series are B+ guns. Not bad at all. But...

There is a reason so many people buy the volquartsen trigger group for their Rugers.

The Volquartsen is an A level target pistol. You will never wonder if you can shoot better with a better gun, and to me that means training is more effective. Any missed or pulled shot is on me, MY error to learn from. Yes, it costs about what two Rugers cost, but I used to have 3 or 4 Mark series because I love ‘em and didn’t know that once I found my darling .22 that they could all be traded as I would rather take my best pistol to the range every time.
You need way more double action revolvers, especially ones that caliber wise start with 4. I’m partial to the .41 mag but if you don’t handload I suppose a .44 mag would do.
If you're looking at the Judge, take a peek at the S&W Governor-it holds another round but costs a little more. Plus, Smith & Wesson has a better reputation for customer service, whether warranted (in my experience, it is) or not.
After the awful experience with Jennings and Charter Arms, I never give Taurus a chance at the time. I wonder how is the metal used in Taurus, is it as good as S&W, Ruger and Colt etc. The metal used is very important, the quality of the springs also.

I feel much better staying with the reputable brand instead of trying to save a little money. It's not worth my life if my life depends on it.