Looking for a new carry gun

So I guess the question is..... What would you guys do?
I'm going to answer without recommending a specific handgun. Unless you're mandated/issued a specific handgun caliber and platform to carry, I'd explore various brands & models by:
-asking what people use, both in-person and nowadays, online; if you want, design a poll of various makes, models, and calibers to determine what the TFL readers own or recommend.
-narrowing it down, hopefully, to brand & caliber; I realize some folks are more or less limited to what they can buy by personal-budget, wealth, income, number allowed on a state's carry permit;
-then finally buying that handgun with a couple thousand rounds of ammo, along with any other accessories needed (holsters, tools, other personal preference items).

Then get totally competent/expert with it. You may want or need to buy more ammo during this time. You may want to make or add other personal-preference items during this time (holsters, tools, sights, grips, more mags, lights, etc.).

Keep the SIG P250 you've got for now as it's apparently working ok for you.
Every manufacturer believes it's got just right model & caliber for you. You've just got to decide for yourself what you want.

Return to this forum and tell us what you think of your choice(s) and maybe start the process over again.

Do consider a firearm's popularity; size; weight; holster availability (and with a weapon-light if desired); price; reliability; ability or cost to repair, if necessary. Note, how it feels in the hand while in the store is ok, but probably shouldn't be a major factor as it'll really take living with the gun with the clothes you wear, for hours on end, and doing the activities you do, for you to really get determine if it'll work for you.

I like how you've already stuck with a P250 for 4 years.
I like you're thinking of trying a quality 2nd optional gun, but just getting other opinions before buying, whether used or new.
I like you're not asking an opinion on a handgun because it's the least expensive brand & model you could find.

PS: Many of us will be carrying something else; there will always be another gun out there to try. There will always be somebody out there who has bought or tried every gun out there on the market. For some folks, it's entirely normal to buy a gun or two every year to carry and live with it for awhile. Maybe you'll become that person too.
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Hard to see how you could go wrong with the VP9 SK. Price seems good for what you'd be getting, but you might be able to get an even better price with some negotiation. Either way, it's a great firearm.

Flight 567 asked "What would you do"? Direct answer- I bought a new Walther P99 AS.

Aside from the very nice trigger (and very short reset), have you ever been able to shoot a polymer, striker-fired handgun in either DA -or-- SA on the first shot?
The trigger's 'stacking' when pulling in DA is not as much as with the HK P30.

My handguns began with the Sauer 38H :D (at age 59), Makarovs:D, then went to German Sigs:D and a CZ PCR:D. I'm keeping all except the Makarovs, but have nothing against these superb little tanks.

This Walther P99 AS is my first polymer handgun., but I bought it based, firstly, on the fact that it is issued to German police:cool: (-notice my other handguns-), the quality and combinations of features--not at all for the weight.
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Welcome to TFL, Flight567!

As you can see, we all have our favorites and discussions about whose favorite is best can and do warm up. (Though this one is hardly what I'd call "heated.")

Let me start by saying that I've never owned either a Sig or an HK. That said, I've kept my eye on them for some time. Especially the VP9SK. I like it and would hate to miss a bargain if one jumped out at me.

....HK VP9SK with 4 spare mags (3: 15 Rd, 1 10), a bladetech OWB holdter, and a lagtech IWB. All for $550. I handled it in store a bit. Fondled the controls, and after gaining permission even field stripped it in store. It presents as well, or better than the p250 that I've been training with the 4 years. The counter man allowed me to wear the IWB for a minute or two. After sitting down with the HK on my hip I determined that I like the combination.

So I guess the question is..... What would you guys do?
Considering the inclusion of 4 mags and holsters, that's a good deal. It's not a screaming, best-buddy deal, but it's a good one. There are a metric ton of good compact pistols out there, but I don't know of anything wrong with the VP9SK. If you like your HK, you should get your HK. :D
I never understand why, when the OP asks for guidance between a Sig and an HK, somebody has to throw out “buy a Glock” . That’s not what he was asking.
Or a Steyr, or a Sig 365 or a Sig 365XL or a Walther P99 AS...BUT..oh never mind..

I'd get the HK...or a Glock...:D
thank you all for the responses! I am so really enjoying reading this! after having shot them back to back at the range (not the exact HK or SiG, but range models) I've drawn some conclusions:

the Sigs trigger is better for me. that isn't to say that the HK doesn't have a great trigger. I think that my time spent with the 250 has made me very accustom to the way that a Sig trigger feels. all of that to say that I couldn't feel any significant difference outside of slow fire. Possibly because I follow the Rob Leatham school of "slam the trigger back in a straight line and your sights won't move.

the ergonomics go to the HK. mainly the paddle release (which I understand are very polarizing). I'm left-handed and being able to push the paddles down with my trigger finger without breaking my grip makes me smile. both pistols point very naturally my first shot from a compressed ready, or sul position was well close enough that they made no difference.

as far as results; the paper showed a SLIGHTLY better print for the
Sig, though It seemed to me that this could change day to day... depending mostly on the humidity, the alignment of the stars, and the number of flies the air in my vicinity.

my range only allows for a three round quickfire before an "audible pause" in shooting. I wasn't able to really wring these guys out, the HK seemed to have a bit more muzzle flip but I was running the SK model without the pinky extension so maybe with the extenders, I have less muzzle flip with the HK?

as to the 365:
I plan on purchasing a 365 later. it would be my "deep concealment" option. either a pocket holster or an urban carry depending on what I'm wearing. or whenever I need to put something in some ball shorts and pop down to the corner store. it is something that I'm tossing around in my head, but I'm looking for something else on this occasion. specifically, I will be purchasing one pistol now. then I'm looking for an AR upper in a straight-walled cartridge because Ohio hunting laws are.... silly. then I would look at the 365. ( just so that everyone knows where I'm at in my journey)

to the other suggestions; I appreciate them immensely, but I have my sights pretty heavily focused on one of these pistols. Walthers are great guns and I actually just sold one of my friends on a PPQ. steyrs have a great reputation, but I can't find one around here to try before I make any informed decisions. Glocks... well for whatever reason I just don't shoot them well. I've been trying for a year or so to figure out what's going on, but I just don't shoot them well.

so long and short of my range trip: I gained a lot of information but none of it has helped me make my decision :P so does anyone have any more thoughts on the matter?
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into an LEM at some point. for my area, however, most p30s are going for $900-1050, which is.... Significantly more than my current price range.

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No offense meant, but of the decisions in this world choosing between two pistols isn’t the hardest out there. Someone on here could choose for you, but really you’re the end user.

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@TunnelRat no offense taken. Certainly, I have made harder, more important decision more quickly.
As a poor college student, a 600 dollar purchase is a large expenditure. Im just trying to make the correct purchase... Because I can't remake it for a year or so to come, or several months if I have to resell the one that I buy and buy a different one.

In the end I will buy the one that tickles my fancy the most. The conversation is.... Stimulating. I don't get to have firearms conversations a lot in college, so it's nice to have the the talk :D

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No offense meant, but of the decisions in this world choosing between two pistols isn’t the hardest out there. Someone on here could choose for you, but really you’re the end user.

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And yet, so many of us show up here, looking for some input from fellow gun owners .....
Understood. I get being on a limited budget. In my experience when a firearm tickles your fancy you end up owning it at some point down the road, even if a long way down the road. What you buy sooner doesn’t always have to be what you have later. In the meantime, I feel pretty confident in saying that either should be reliable for you.

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Curiously, since you've spent 4 years training with a p250(which I also have), have you considered the trigger difference offered by a sig 320. I do know people who would not be comfortable carrying one due to its very short take up and light trigger. I am just saying the learning curve is there.
Curiously, since you've spent 4 years training with a p250(which I also have), have you considered the trigger difference offered by a sig 320. I do know people who would not be comfortable carrying one due to its very short take up and light trigger. I am just saying the learning curve is there.
I see that you also are a man of fine taste. The goal of the thread was to get some perspective on the HK vs the Sig. I was about ready to pick up a p320 before I found that deal on a VP9.

The trigger doesn't bother me for carry. It should be in a holster where the trigger can't be activated unless I'm using it (range etc), and if I have to present during an..... encounter.... I don't put my finger on the trigger until I'm ready to fire.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
No offense meant, but of the decisions in this world choosing between two pistols isn’t the hardest out there. Someone on here could choose for you, but really you’re the end user.

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Yep, that is the Short and sweet of it.
I tend to get general information on a firearm and then I make my own judgements after shooting them. Size, weight, safety, trigger for my needs or desires. I do not rush into buying a new gun, take my time, try out many.
Things do change for me over time. I have been shooting all my life, carrying for about 12 years. Started with larger guns, and slowly moved down to smaller and lighter.
I have (for myself) found that I focus more on diligent training with the guns I do carry,(typically have two of each, one for range and one for carry) and consider situational awareness as important as the firearm I do carry.
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Most likely the most important asset of any pistol you carry for self-defence is it goes bang each time you press the trigger if there is a round in the chamber.
My Gen 4 Glock 19 has done that through thousands of rounds.
A used Police purchase will be a decent price (Important area, as in cheap!)
They do not get shot much. Send it into Glock for Glock night sights, $60.00. Good for 4 years, at least. The Glock holster at $15.00? will last forever. And a Glock mag. pouch the same. Spare mag a Glock 17 one.

Watch a few Seal or other Special forces videos and see what carry pistol they recommend, Glock 19s. 16 rounds out of the gate, and accepts 17, and 15 round magazines. Just a thought.
It's good to see that many college students take an interest in handguns or rifles.

My son was already in college before he had any gun exposure, and only tried out guns a few times when back in town and very busy.
My true interest didn't develop until age 52 (2007), or it might possibly have influenced him.:o Three of my handguns are Sigs: a pair of P6, and a "true" P225 (1987). I'm not surprised that you have carried a Sig.