looking for a lawyer: NFA

Hey everyone.
Can anyone recommend a solicitor that specialises in the NFA? I'm considering registering a corporation and using it to purchase some FA guns as investments.

You might want to tell us where your located. It might help. I'm assuming your in that land down under as your looking for a solicitor. Up here in the U.S. they are called lawyers.
yes i'm in the land down under so i'm not expecting to find anyone local. I'd probably want one in colorado, nevada, arizona or texas since they seem to be the most machine gun friendly states to my knowledge.
Given the specialized nature of this question, I'm moving it to the NFA forum.

By "land down under," I take it you're in Australia?
Thanks for the links guys. I'll check them out. Yes Tom I'm in Australia, however my understanding is that the corporation is a separate legal entity capable of purchasing on its own.
Where are you planning to establish the corporation? If in the U.S., you can incorporate a business or simply open a shop and apply for a Class 1 FFL with a Class 3 Special Occupational Tax. You don't really need a lawyer for any of that (though I recommend it). But the problem is that machine guns can no longer be purchased by individuals, and even if your licensed "corporation" buys some, they have to be disposed of to a government entity or another licensee if the corporation goes out of business; in other words, you can't just start a corporation, buy guns, fold the corporation, and keep the guns.

As to buying guns in the US and exporting them to Australia, I don't know what the laws are in Australia, but I am under the impression that privately owned MG's are illegal. If that is not the case, you would need a lot of paperwork to export them to Australia. The BATFE enforces the NFA but does not control exports of arms and ammunition, the Department of State does, and Australia would have to approve the import before DOS would approve the export.

All in all, unless you really plan to make a lot money on the deal, the task is daunting.

I think you need to think things out before being concerned about a solicitor.

It sound to me like the plan is to start a Corp, buy some transferable MGs and then resell them to others here in the states

Is that the basic business model?
Hi, Shooterdownunder,

You specifically mentioned buying MG's as investments, which would seem to indicate you plan to keep the guns for a while, not just conduct a normal buy and sell business. Would you keep your stock in the U.S.? If so, you are talking about a normal dealership, but to make money you need to have a turnover, and that does not really jibe with the investment idea.

Hi James,
I think you've misinterpreted what I intend.
I have no plans on becoming a dealer or handling post 86 dealer only samples.
A corporation to be established in the USA.
Transferable firearms to be purchased and held by said company in safe storage in the USA. At no point will they be exported owned or possessed by myself.
Firearms will at a later date be resold.
James K.....But the problem is that machine guns can no longer be purchased by individuals
Sure they can. I've transferred two mac 10s and two Uzi's since January. All it takes is a $200 ATF tax stamp and a five month wait.
Sorry, Dogtown Tom, my error and yes, I do know better. I sold several MG's to individuals over the past few years; I didn't even have to go through an SOT dealer because they were C&R and the buyers had C&R licenses.

If I understand, the OP intends to start a legal corporation in America while remaining in Australia. The corporation would buy machine guns and store them in America for a period of time until the value increased and then would re-sell them in America.

So the goal essentially is for a non-American to start an American corporation for the purposes of owning machine guns in America only
Considering machine guns are very high dollar items, I'm assuming you're not going cheap on legal fees. I don't know who the best of the best is, but a very reputable NFA lawyer in my area is David Goldman. That might be a start
Silencerco offers that service. They should be fully up to speed since serving suppressor buyers is their business.