Looking for a Hi-quality, Hi-cap, 9mm

"Only a diamond can cut another diamond."

If the USP9f/c won't suffice, I would seriously consider the ultimate in the 9mm platform, the P7M8/13. Yes, it's more expensive, but you'd be the owner of probably the most radical gun design in modern times. I believe a collection wouldn't be complete without one of these...

Best regards,

I would recommend the Beretta 92 Series or the CZ- 85 Combat , Another good and reliable 9MM auto is the ruger P95.

More "ammo" on the BHP...

High-quality 17-round KRD mags from CDNNInvestments are $19.95. I love 'em.

Great reputation for reliability. _American Rifleman_ quotes Wayne Novak saying the BHP is the most reliable semi-auto. I can get the issue number if you need. I saved that one. ;)
CZ 75 or 85...

are sure worth a look. I've just been through a similar choice process. Real contenders got down to BHP v. CZ75B in my book. I also preferred NIB pistol and preferred the look and quality (and lower initial price) of the CZ. Ran my first 150 rounds through it last week and so far it stands up to the many testimonials posted here and elsewhere as to (initial) reliability, accuracy, fit & finish, ergonomics etc. I still have hopes for adding a gently use Hi-Power to the safe but CZ's given me no reason to second guess my choice. Naturally, YMMV. Good shootin',
All good choices. Have you considered one of the Smith & Wesson
59 or 69 series guns? They are quite good in quality and hi-caps
are relatively inexpensive. Also, the Ruger P-series (although I
don't think I would recommend the polymer-framed guns- they
seem to have somewhat of a spotty record). The CZ 75/85 is an
excellent choice, and so is the BHP (I have also heard good things
about the FEG Hi-Power clones, and it seems as though Browning
mags will work in the FEG).
