However, the OP specifically asked for a dedicated HD gun
I do realize that... thus my suggestion to sell the 26"... so he sells it for $80 and has a "dedicated" hd gun for $200... Leaves a bunch of money to break in his AMERICAN MADE MOSSBERG with a bunch of ammo and still be in his original budget for just the gun alone...
And if he keeps the long barrel, he is one crank of the retainer screw away from a respectable gun to practice point shooting at clays or game.
And he can always supply fresh protein sources if need be.
As for me... I have a 20 gauge with 18 inch barrel and it is my only HD firearm as well as my primary hunting gun... No long barrel and cylinder bore do give me handicap points for hunting but I know the gun's and my own limitations...
I am VERY satisfied with my abilities with this gun but it took many years, thousands of rounds of ammo and, yes, even the dreadful PGO grip, AR style stock before it ended up with a traditional stock configuration.
3 phrases come to mind... 2 are from Dave McC and one is ancient...
BA/UU/R (or similar) = BUY AMMO, USE UP, REPEAT
Know your gun like your tongue knows your teeth.
and finally...
Beware of the man with one gun... he likely knows how to use it...