Lookin-Actin Ready or Not?

Unfortunately, not that many thugs are either smart enough of coherent enough (probably stoned or high off their rockers) to know the difference. Mindset is one thing but be ready to meet their level of threat with an equal or preferaby greater level!

Mindset is core to projecting weakness or strength; you chose which you want to do because it's your f**ked up country that you are worried about. My chief concern was surviving an equally f**ked up country where the people are far worst than anything you can think of; if you doubt that, go and find the video of the two soldiers who ventured into Andersonstown during an IRA funeral. They compromised themselves and failed to control to crowd; they had the sh*t kicked out of them for an hour and were executed while hundreds watched cheering.
Wow...Body language, attire, "the look", etc...etc...

I have an idea for ya'll...This dude NEVER gets picked on


Wow...Body language, attire, "the look", etc...etc...

I have an idea for ya'll...This dude NEVER gets picked on


Oh my God, someone dressed Drew Carey up in Tactical !!:eek: :p
Looks like a kid I used to go to school with. Was always getting the crap beaten out of him. Looks like revenge is near.