Lookin-Actin Ready or Not?


New member
For several years 3- 4 nights a week my 1 hr exercise-destination(gym or library) walk usually takes me within a few blocks of the hot zone and along a park where every so often bad stuff happens.

In order to avoid victim-like appearance it's dark blue to navy sweats, hat, W-breaker(or shirt) and dark sneakers and gloves. Exterior fanny pack with pepper spray in black container, cell on the strap. Roscoe in pocket and a Koppo stick secreted in off hand, and defense knife available. Athletic muscular build and alert, confident comfortable walk wo being cocky.

It's been my experience that the occasional probable BG's approach and veer off to pass as they check out the obvious preparations-awareness. About 3x a year setting up a fence with a 'back off' and/or situational avoidance seems appropriate. Dogs have been the most frrequent problem.

BTW, there's no Death Wish script -- I live 1/4 block from the park but I really enjoy walking outside and the cool quiet evening fits my schedule-inclinations. It's (was) legal to open carry pepper. this basic approach worked for me in Wash DC, Baltimore and now Tacoma.

QUESTION: Any suggestions or advice?
Wear a NRA shirt and hat and BDU's! You can also dress up like Spaceman Spiff in hi full ninja outfit. I think he took that picture off but I doublt few people would want to mess with you. Doesn't it suck when you can't go where you want because scumbags happen to settle into that area? Maybe try setting up a neighborhood watch to pester them into moving to another are.
Try one of these on your next walk...


Well duh, they're gonna leave you alone.
dark blue to navy sweats, hat, W-breaker(or shirt) and dark sneakers and gloves. Exterior fanny pack with pepper spray in black container, cell on the strap. Roscoe in pocket and a Koppo stick secreted in off hand, and defense knife available. Athletic muscular build and alert, confident comfortable walk wo being cocky.
You look like the BG's friends! :D :cool:

I wear bright colours. I had a yellow over grey anorak on over a white turtleneck tonight. BHP CCW with 61 total rounds. I sport Newgate knockers facial hair, I limp, I wheeze in the winter air and I usually walk with a 10 lbs attack poodle. LOL
The key is in the mindset; as you begin to pick up the combat indicators - the military term for 'threat indicators' that something is afoot - you mentally change from someone strolling home to someone who is prepared. It booms out of your body language in a way that everyone gets.

I'll never forget a mentor of mine across in Northern Ireland walking, in civvies, through a hard area, I was some distance behind him and we were both aware of a group of local hardmen hanging around on a corner - they were bored and just looking for trouble. When my oppo moved past them I was surprised that they all shied away from him.

Afterward I spoke about it and he said that it was because of what was going through his mind at that moment; the violent thoughts of what he could do to them that had his skill level on a far higher plane than they could hope to achieve. The youths were just street thugs, he was a trained professional who had the 'attitude' and 'aptitude' to do what he did in a dangerous area and get away with it.

Perhaps that is part of your answer; attitude is a state of mind that you have - sometimes it is reined in, other times you unleash it.
The British Soldier,

Unfortunately, not that many thugs are either smart enough of coherent enough (probably stoned or high off their rockers) to know the difference. Mindset is one thing but be ready to meet their level of threat with an equal or preferaby greater level!
AK-47 across my back with a 30rd mag.
9.5” 454 redhawk across my chest.
Combat commander on my right hip.
Three frag grenades on my left hip.
All while wearing my spandex body suit with the red stripe, and my white and red running shoes.
The British Soldier,

Unfortunately, not that many thugs are either smart enough of coherent enough (probably stoned or high off their rockers) to know the difference. Mindset is one thing but be ready to meet their level of threat with an equal or preferaby greater level!

Weeeeellllll.... For you all of the male persuasion, that may or may not be true. I think, though, that for us women, it makes a world of difference. A woman who keeps her eyes downcast, who appears shy and fearful or diffident or compliant is going to present a more tempting target to a BG, whether a purse-snatcher or something much worse, that will a woman who looks him in the eye and whom he KNOWS has her awareness switched on.

Gun or not, that can do a lot to discourage someone from deciding to attack, IMO.

psshawww! the first thing you need to do is stop going to the gym. bullies love picking on jocks. you must gain like at least 50 extra pounds of fat. fat guys almost never get picked on. we just dont project that whole 'alpha male' persona that makes bullies get stupid.

then you have to develop and maintain your 'game face'. this is the face you make when you want to ensure no one will talk to you period. not even if you were on fire and someone wanted to tell you you were on fire, this look on your face would make that do-gooder decide just to let you burn. it involves a scowl mixed with a frown and the proper mixture of inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. a small amount of drool out of the corners of the mouth is good.

then you walk with a purpose. your footsteps must seem to you like kingkong speedwalking. pick up those feet and plant them firmly and with resolve.

in the end, you look like a weak, fat-enough-to-have-labored-breathing, angry-at-the-world, caring-more-about-food-than-personal-hygiene, numbnuts that no one would give two hoots about, not even your own mother.

its subconsciously intimidating.
Thanks for all the useful information (ahem).

Footnote – been doing this for just over 30 years, but I’m humble enough to learn and confident enough to proceed.

Stephen426 –
Tacoma’s Hill top area is many, many blocks square. Spaceman’s Kevlar-war game ninja outfit is less functional than my Superman longjohns.
Where can I get those pills? Been using the suppository version and do not like to ‘stick it’. LMAO.
BobK –
The move is at least 1 and maybe 2-3 years away.
The BG’s are mostly of other ethnic origins and never seem ‘legitimately’ friendly. What’s a storm trooper cross?
British Soldier –
I hope your first paragraph is what is going on. The punks are looking for victims not fair sport and I care for neither.
My Superman longies are spandex. Maybe should wear’em over the sweats. No one messes with folks wearing underwear as overwear when it is OVER the outerwear.
Only women met are a few hookers and crackheads – and you’re right.
Like your outfit but don't ken your writing.

Is this a problem thats been going on ? Have you been a victim of a previous crime in this area ? Or have you had a confrontation with someone in this area in the past ? Have you considered purchasing a dog to accompany you on your walks?
Having once lived in Tacoma, I would be more worried of being "collateral damage" in the Hilltop Area. Used to be a real nice area until it became an urban war zone.

Sometimes I think Tacoma PD would like to rent a few 'dozers, start in one corner, and level the whole patch. Of course then everyone would just move to Lakewood and there would be more fodder for "Cops" episodes.
Tacoma’s HillTop is making a comeback but still has serious problems. Tacoma’s violent crime per 100,000 population increased from 900 in 02 to 1100 in 04 – think this is the highest in the PNW for any medium to large city but below many cities near where YOU live.

Not personally a victim but been the intended meat in a 3-way BG surprise sandwich more than once. Much more often visually and occ verbally interviewed then watched and ultimately ignored by these cold eyed predators. (Added--these are no the normal street panhandlers, winos and bums) Any urban LEO has seen this hundreds of times.

I am not a racist paranoid or an urban net ninja or virtual tough guy but have learned and intuited ways to go about my life quietly in urban places.

Unfortunately a dog is currently out of the question … I do occ meet-avoid mopes with pitbulls.

Bears live solitary lives and with their great strength could do serious damage to each other when they meet but they’ve evolved to generally avoid that crippling outcome.

During a close encounter they look at each other for several seconds….one will put its head down to continue alert grazing. That’s the signal to the other bear that it is not afraid and it would be wise to avoid confrontation. The second bear invariably moves on.

For many years in summer I have been an unarmed wilderness ranger often 10 to 25 miles from the trail head. Two times large bears charged me at full speed – once from the rear. Got’em stopped at 20-30 feet and used the grazing dip to back them off and soon leave. Bears are my favorite animal, they’re intelligent and fairly predictable and I’ve learned much from them.

Some of the animals that pass for human on my streets are far less predictable but if they do not respond to ‘Bear-talk’ and if really necessary I’ve got another way to deal with them. So far bear-talk has worked.
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