Longrange (600 yd. ??)

.308 win 168 gr match kings to 600 yds is not a problem, 10" groups very possible even out of a 20" bbl. Have heard that the .308 tends
to loose oomph past 700 yds tho.
I shot National Match Course for more years, mostly with iuron sights, as well as a lot of 1000 yard. Started out with an old service grade M-1 and handloads. When I could see, I used to fire in the mid 90's on the old 5V target, with the M-1.

I "graduated" to bolt rifles, having shot the M-1 to death, more than 10,000 rounds, most of that in actual competition. Used Model 70 Standard Target rifles in 30-06, and a Remington 40X in .308. Personally, I always leaned toward the Model 70, which I fired off the left shoulder, rapid fire strings included.

I have seen people do well with Savage 110's also. Out to 600 yards, I believe that a good 308 would probably outshoot, by a little, a good 30-06, however for 1000 yards, the 06 seemed to do better. Never owned a magnum, and I never felt the "need" to use one for target shooting. To each his own though.

These days, if you are looking at National Match course competition, I would thing that an AR15 type rifle, whatever name it's maker might stick on it, would be the way to go. Things have changed. As foir used rifles, who knows, you might get a good one, but then you might be better off starting off with something new. Shop around. Good luck.
I've shot on the line at High Power matches with a couple of guys using Win.M70HV rifles in 308. This rifle has a 26" SS bbl., H-S Precision synthetic stock with aluminum bedding block and piller spacers. The trigger is adjustable to a degree, and if you're not satisfied with it, several aftermarket units are available for the M70. I bought my M70HV in 223 about 3 yrs. ago for just under $500, which is a bargain price for the features included. As far as keeping the 155gr.Sierra Palma bullet supersonic out to 1000yds., most Palma rifles have barrels at least 28" long, for max. velocity out of the 308. You have to get more than 2800fps at the muzzle to keep the 155 from going transonic at 1000yds.
Get a Remington or Winchester heavy barrel in .308 win. and start shooting at 600 yds + as much as you can afford. The .308 win is considered to be about 10% more accurate that a 30-06. The reasons to pick the .308 over the others is simple. Cost per 1000 rounds. The secret to shooting at long range is shooting at long range. The cheaper the practice ammo the more you can shoot. The more you shoot. Well you get the idea. For 600 to 800 yds use a Sierra 168 gr. bullet and for 900 to 1000 use the 175gr. I'm talking Match Kings. You should be able to get 5000 rounds though your barrel before you have to rebarrel. Then go with a custom barrel. Like a Hart. With your factory barrel get it fire lapped with bullets from NECO. Do not get a .300 mag. You'll get about 800 to 1200 rounds before you have to rebarrel. Also it is harder to learn how to shoot. Things like trigger jobs and bedding you can do as you go and learn.
Mark Davis