Longest Shot, "The Hard Way"?


"and not enough time trying to hit a beercan"

Are you saying there is some sort of open season on beer down there in the Souteastern US of A. D@**, what kind of godless communists you got running around down there. Shooting unsuspecting beer!

I tell you what - for every case of beer you send up here to Colorado, we'll send you a genuine (non-endangered) prairie dog! It'll give you some more sporting target to shoot at, and keep us Rocky Mountain boys "Laid Back!"

Have Fun - JohnDog
JohnDog, I have it on good authority that a fella oughta bring a bunch of Shiner Bock up there--to keep the campfire session lubricated--along with, say, a .223 and enough ammo to avoid boredom, and discuss this matter further.

:), Art

Well - if we empty them cans out first - then I guess it would be OK! As for campfires, right now in most of Colorado they are ferbotten, due to extremely dry conditions. As for .223 shooting - got plenty of ammo for low boredom factor.

For the original thread question, my longest off-hand kill shot was in hind-sight about 175 yards. I say in hind-sight because it was hunting season my first year in college, my first season hunting by myself without my dad, uncles or cousins. My 19 year old mind convinced me that because the shot hit the mulie at the very bottom of the kill zone, it was at least 375 to 425 yards away. It was that far away because that's how far the .270 would drop with my great marksmanship skills. It couldn't have been a bad shot that I got lucky on. It was a great shot and I was a great hunter!

Needless to say it took exactly one year, and one shot to puncture this ego bubble. Egged on by 2 college buddies I was hunting with, I took an off-hand shot at a mulie that was bouncing his way up a sage covered hillside at least 300 yards away. Well, we found blood were we saw him stumble, but after searching the rest of that day, and by myself the next day I never found him.

Since then I always make sure that I can call my shot. I practice getting down to a seated position without making noise, or slinging off my rifle and pack and getting in a prone position. In the last ten years almost all my deer, elk and antelope shots have been taken from a seated position, except for a 50 yard shot of an elk off-hand in black timber and a prone shot of an antelope.

Have Fun - John Dog
i never have made that long of a shot, but i ahve heard that my grandfather made some kill shots at 250+ yard with a 30.06 hunting elk and deer in colorado.

the best longest shot i ahve ever amde was a kill shot to a coyote with a 9mm pistol at about 30 yards. lucky i guess. i dont know what i was shooting but it was one of my dads home loads i think.

i may not like what you have to say but i will fight to the death to defend your right to say it.

you might get my gun, but you can have my books when you pry them from my cold dead fingers.

the first ammendment is the most important, and the second is the one that makes the first possible.
Speaking or head shots and not waisting any meat, the Hunter safety class in Washington told the whole class to shoot the game through both shoulders!!!! What a waist. You shoot a deer or elk through the shoulder you ruin many a roast!!! Instead of shooting behind the shoulder for a double lung shot, that only damages a fist size of meat off the ribs, their reasoning was "if you miss the heart and lung, atleast the wounded animal would be down for you to get in there and get a killing shot" what a waist!
I don't shoot long range 'cause I don't have the guns for it and I still have a little doubt about my long range skills. Plus, I don't have the room to shoot here in Indiana.
All the land is being used up by housing.
I hate to even cripple the groundhogs around here. I know they need to be eliminated, but I still prefer to do it quickly and cleanly.
I would say my best shots are at 100 yds or less. I got a g'hog at 125 once with my SKS.
Also got one on the run with the SKS at about 75 yds.

And if you hear from my Louise, won't you tell her I love her so?
REDMIST, it's just amazing to me how much some people can expand their minds. There's absolutely no way I could come up with a story of three 650 yard kneeling shots and expect anyone to believe it. I agree with Ron, good one.


bullet placement is gun control