Long live the KING

I paid $570 for mine. As far as butt ugly goes, I think Glocks look nice, so the SRH .454 is a real eye-catcher! :D
If you want to see rock n roll try emptying the cylinder on a 454 in a couple of seconds.
Hawkman I compete with Glocks. Your are right there is beauty in something that works right each time every time without fail. The SRH 454 and Glocks are BEAUTIFUL.
beauty in something just because it works everytime?

my rectum has worked right so far everytime I have tried to use it, yet I dont contend it is attractive.

Function and aesthetics are not mutually exclusive, unless your name is Bill Ruger.
I have to agree with lonegunman, it does look like it came from a dark place. And utility = aesthetics only to a moron. :eek:
I have often found in life that the names we call people reflect what we know to be true about ourselves.

Anytime Lonegunman:)
When you get a decent revolver someday then you'll say to yourself, "Oh." According to the current issue of Handguns, it takes about $2,000 worth of work to get a Ruger Single Action plus the cost of the gun to bring the weapon up to the standard that was set by the Colt Single Action Army, but guess what? After all that expense, it's still a Ruger. :barf: Cheers, enjoy your gun.

"And utility = aesthetics only to a moron. "

I think you just called me a moron:eek:

I am fairly certain that my (and other's) definition of aesthetics is at least as valid as yours.

Please limit your personal attacks,

Before this turns into a cyber-fistfight, I think a person has the right to love a gun for its utility and performance. At the same time; I think a few of the folks just thought that Ruger could have made this hand cannon a little more pleasing to the eye. I readily admit when I first pulled up the post and saw the pic, I did not find the gun attractive. Maybe this could be a spring board for posts on "Why people buy certain guns, e.g. looks, price, performance, name recognition and in what priority".
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Performance = beauty to me. When I am out to hunt I care how it perfoms the against the animal I am hunting. Holding my gun and admiring its prettiness seems effeminate at least in my opinion. I just returned from a wild boar hunt where my ugly gun performed beautifully. The hog dropped so hard he bounced and never tried to get up. We all have our own opinion of beauty as it should be but when you are up against a boar or a bear how pretty the gun is will not be on your mind.
Here is a pic of my boar. This place is THE place to hunt boar-http://www.caryonah.com/weapons.html
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I agree with you redhawk! I LOVE MY 480! Saving up for it in 454 now. Just like any other line of guns, each has its supporters and detractors. I myself have always been partial to Rugers, that's just my personal preference, but to start calling someone names because of gun choice is just plain ignorant and really shows alot about that person. Why can't someone say they just disagree and leave it at that or not respond at all. Aren't we all here for the same reason? The love of guns and shooting! It's no wonder the anti-gun crowd is having such an easy time against us. Have a good day all.:D
Buy it Stoner you will love it. I like the 480 I just wish more bullet styles were available for it. Have you seen the new one beartooth bullets has for the 480 it is a beaut.
Kings...rectums...hey...didn't Evis bite the big one while sitting on his throne...just a thought...
