long gun for home defense vs pistol

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Pickpocket I must go along with what you have to say. I to do not know everything and dont claim too. Im just basing my opinion off my experience. Ive been a SWAT operator for quite some time now and have been thru my share of doors. I am very comfortable with my carbine(AR-15 9X19 and Springfield Socom) as my home defense weapon, because thats what I TRAIN with and what I am confident with. If all some of you do is shoot pistols, then use the pistol as your weapon. If you are a person who uses the shotgun often, then use your shotgun etc.... I can go thru a door just as easily with my carbine as I can with my pistol. So all of this in a nut shell. Use what you are familiar with and what you are most experienced and confident with. The unknown weapon can cost you your life.
You do not have the market cornered on that, belive me. Of course that is an ENTIRELY different kind of situation.
BTW, what unit were you in, we might have run into each other somewhere.

Ummm...never intended to imply I had the market cornered...simply that my opinions aren't based on a show from the History Channel. And, it's not all that different. Intruder, house, occupants, guns...
I'm not going to argue down this line any further...it was an opinion, not a policy statement.
I will say this, though...many people tend to imagine having to defend their home from someone as skilled as themselves, and who would tend to make the same decisions as they would given certain criteria. I wouldn't say that's the best way to go about it.

I Co. 3rd Bn, 4th Marines
A Co. 1st Bn, 23d Marines

If you're really Blackwater, then I doubt we ran into each other.
Gerber MKII, just kidding, out of shape for that now. 835 ulti-mag loaded with duplex 6&4 3-1/2 mag. in the corner, Colt Commander in the nightstand.
My opinion on racking the shotgun:

The first noise the BG hears should be his last.

Pickpocket: What weapons did you guys use to clear those Iraqi houses (m4's, m9's, or do you guys have some shotguns too?)

In an apartment or in a "new construction" (plywood and vinyl siding exterior walls) suburb like mine you want to go low penetration, either a handgun or a shotgun, in the boonies I rather have a carbine. Personally I switched from a shotgun to a handgun for Home defense simply because I have a lot of funky hallways in my house, and a pistol is just easier. Also racking the slide on my full size semi auto pistol sounds just as threatening as a pump shotgun racking a round.
What weapons did you guys use to clear those Iraqi houses

M4 carbines, M16's (A4) the Benelli M1014's (although to be honest my unit didn't have any) and even some of the older Remington 870's.

My preferred entry weapons are the AT-4, SMAW, or Mk19 :D

We carried M9's but preferred not to rely on them if we didn't have to. A few of us were smart and brought some quality HPs with us when we flew over, but I still only used the M9 in really tight spaces or when I needed a free hand. But, that said, don't ever let anyone tell you that a 9mm isn't a viable weapon :)

For the most part, in that environment, I prefer the carbine with a shotgun a close second. But then like Cmu_sniper said, it's what I know, what I'm comfortable with.
What weapons did you guys use to clear those Iraqi houses
Pickpocket, I heard in the big battles in Sunni strongholds, they would just level the house with some HE or a tank round. When there are no friendlies around why risk a soldiers' lives to clear a house. For a few thousands dollars, you reimburse the homeowner (unless he is an insurgent) for the house which is probably 50X more than the house is worth, plus your putting Iraqis to work rebuilding.
A few of us were smart and brought some quality HPs with us when we flew over
That would get you a courts martial or at least captain's mast if I had caught you.
Or maybe I should just call Maj Russell now and report you, Williams. Oh yeah, I'm an MP ;). You know you love to hate us!
Heheheh, ok enough hijacking this thread.
That would get you a courts martial or at least captain's mast if I had caught you.

What an amazingly asinine thing to say.
Nice to know that you wouldn't have anything better to worry about in a combat zone.

I spent 10 years and two combat tours in the Marine Corps. I brought my entire sqaud back in one piece...TWICE. I don't need judgemental **** from anyone about what kind of ammo I carried. Get off your horse.

yeah, if tanks were available. Unfortunately there were more houses than there were tanks. But that was during the initial invasion.
My last go-round, we weren't cleared to fire anything over 84mm without clearance from Regiment or Division. Somehow AT-4's came in under the command's radar.
You're right, though...I'd rather level a house than risk one of my men. On the other side of that, I didn't want any of my guys to carry around images of dead women and kids...at least more than they had to. It's a fine line.

I think the thread is wandering :)
It looks like this is starting to be a pissing match with you Blackwater. I must say though that telling Pickpocket that if you would have caught hime he would have gotten a court martial or captain's mast is pretty disrespectful. In fact I find it quite alarming that in the face of battle, in such a war, that someone would look to play against its own. Im no military man, and dont claim to be one. Also it may not be my place to speak on such a subject, however being an MP is no where near being a grunt on the battle feild. In my world of SWAT being an MP would be like being a SCHOOL CROSSING GAURD compared to being a SWAT operator as would an MP to a combat soldier. But thats just my opinion. I just find it very disrespectful you would even tell a fellow Soldier something like that.
MP is no where near being a grunt on the battle feild. In my world of SWAT being an MP would be like being a SCHOOL CROSSING GAURD compared to being a SWAT operator as would an MP to a combat soldier.
First of you obviously have no idea what MPs do on the battlefield, I would be willing to bet I have done as much MOUT and building clearing as any Marine (he is not a soldier and I would not insult him by refering to him as such).
Second, I was on a SRT team which IS the military version of "SWAT".
Would I really bust anyone in combat for having HPs? Hell no, I was being a smartA$$. Enough hijacking of this thread I will not post on it anymore, if you have a comment for me use PM.
Well I stand by what I say. Your true colors are expressed in your style of message on this forum and quite frankly, Im not putting down any military person, im just putting down you. SO take it as you will. And your right about you being a smart A$&. Not a good attitude to have. PM that!!
Cmu_Sniper said:
Well I stand by what I say. Your true colors are expressed in your style of message on this forum and quite frankly, Im not putting down any military person, im just putting down you. SO take it as you will. And your right about you being a smart A$&. Not a good attitude to have. PM that!!
Blackwater is a good guy, I have known him for a while now and can vouch for his "true colors" better than you can. He just doesn't believe that racking a shotgun is the best way to go about preserving one's own life, which, believe it or not, is what eventually escalated into arguing for whatever reason.

I'm going to reiterate what has been rightly observed by a couple of veterans on this forum: IT'S THE @#$(* INTERNET, IT'S NOT @#$()* REAL.

Let's everyone just pretend it didn't happen so that this thread can fizzle out with dignity?

They just won't listen, ma. :(

Let's everyone just pretend it didn't happen so that this thread can fizzle out with dignity?
If I did that, there's other folks I'd have to apologize to.

Closed, for going from a theoretical battlefield to a personal battlefield.
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