The 1st shot will probably incapacitate your arm thereby forcing you to drop the the firearm. Having a 2nd for your other arm will allow a most likely needed follow up shot.
No replacement for displacement!
Also : Never recieved the memo stating my 357mag was now considered too wimpy.
Pfft, my baby cousin shoots bigger calibers than that, and she's not even two yet. I wouldn't trust that bullet to put down a rabbit anymore. Animals around here have gotten so tough that we have to use truck-mounted 20mm rifles on deer now.
This reminded me, does anyone know when Barrett will be releasing the 30mm X 173 Avenger version of their rifles? You just never know when the squirrels will be using T-72s.
Shooting the .825 Express magnum has been described as, "a piece of day-old cake." And comments like, "I can't wait to get this pesky cast off my hand so that I can shoot it again" were common.