local Walmart: no guns or ammo

t I think smaller cities in the rural west are at much, much less risk.
John - that's exactly where "they" want to target.

In case you've missed it (understandable if you don't follow what's going on now on social media).

The newest slogan has become "We tried peaceful protests & that didn't work".

"They" are going to target locations where they can spread the maximum amount of unrest and fear.
if that sounds like a terrorist tactic - then - yeah - it has all the earmarks of it.
Hal, that is chicken little propaganda to stir up the country folk.
Yes & no.
It is propaganda - I agree 100%.

However - propaganda is an enormously effective tool.

I'm seeing it in action on social media. People are getting scared.
Shockingly, no firearms in a fairly rural Kansas Walmart either. Not very likely to see a mass wave of shoplifters in these parts...so I assume every Walmart everywhere just pulled them off the shelves. Watch for clearances!
Yep I was in a Walmart here in Missouri today for the first time in two months...it only took seconds to remember why I dont like it there..lol...

Anyway ...no guns here either...and very select ammo

Empty ammo shelves at Walmart = even more demand for Academy's ammo, which has Pre-panic prices, with both stores in the same neighborhoods.

Who could have imagined?
1) So much panic over the Chinese Virus. Political over-control, then appeasement/total indifference to the virus, During the protests.:rolleyes:
2) Riots (now mostly cooled off, like a lanced pimple) in so many cities, which have nothing to do with protests.
3) Walmart appeasing/voluntarily bootlicking the anti-2nd. Amendment groups.

And all at the same time.
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was at the Walmart we shop at, yesterday. No guns in the racks. Last week there were only about 5 anyway....

All the ammo was still where it was before. And, the same approximate amount and selection.
this is great news for the small shops that consumers abandoned when Wal-Mark came to their town.

Maybe!! Its a nice thought.

IMO,there certainly is a hungry market,for now. With Dick's,and now maybe WalMart choosing to PC distance themselves from guns and ammo,....

Maybe the small local gun shop can make it. It would help a lot if the ITAR requirements were lifted from the local gunsmith who has no interest in exporting firearms.
My local Walmart in central Arkansas still has firearms and ammo on display, just can't find a clerk, as usual.
I was in another local WM that is 10 miles from the house today, and they had guns in the normal display rack/cases, and ammo. Picked up some RF ammo, the clerk ask me what I wanted, and said this, this and this. She looked at me kind of funny, but sold it to me. LOL Plinking ammo for the grandson.
Why, oh, why do you shop Walmart.....recently I was in Texas and Oklahoma which have no Meijers,,, and I was told I HAD to shop Walmart.....bulll..... I found plenty of other stores that gave better serivice, had more items in stock and were much friendlier.....they were almost glad to see me.
We don't have Meijers either, so I stopped at WM for ammo and groceries. Trying to do my part for the environment ya know.
My local Walmart in central Arkansas still has firearms and ammo on display, just can't find a clerk, as usual.
The firearms clerk is in lawn and garden. The lawn and garden clerk is in automotive. The automotive clerk is in sporting goods, but he does not have the keys.
Infringing the 2A is never the right decision
The 2nd only applies to the government.
Last I checked, Wally World isn't the government.
Removing firearms & ammunition is a business decision.
The one thing I noticed in our local Wal Mart Store, yesterday. My wife and I donned masks when we parked, one big difference inside the store, not so much! Whole families, not a mask?
An employee was cleaning the carts, where you were directed to, enter, and exit. All employees wore masks.
I did not shop for guns or ammo. I was the designated cart pusher, as always.
Two what I would consider "Hoodrats" young men, not buying anything walking around, half their underwear on display. In what I would think "Caseing the joint mode" One of them caught my eyes, just a flicker, an 84-year-old bearded gent not much of a threat?
Passed a couple of older gentlemen, also shopping with Ladies. Also of a wary look.
Left with our shopping, first time out of the house this week.
Deposited a cheque in the ATM at our Bank. And home for supper, quite the calm trip out. I was armed, as always. Felt no real threat.
I was in the Casa Grande WalMart on Tuesday, plenty of bolt action rifles and shotguns, TONS of 12 gauge ammo and the hunting calibers were well stocked.