Local saying?

My wife tends to ask me if I caught anything. I'm not sure if it's because I also fish a lot or because I have caught ducks, squirrels, groundhog, prairie dog and other odd animals that get to close with my bare hands. Beware groundhogs don't like to be touched.

I tend to ask people small game hunting if they seen/saw anything and they tend to volunteer the rest of the information.
I have 2 daughters from a previous marriage. When I was dating my current wife she (she grew up in Philly and then moved just outside of Philly for HS) made the mistake of saying in front of my girls...You need to go out and catch me a deer. My youngest lite up...what? You don't catch a deer you shoot it she said. So now my wife does it just to mess with them.

First time she said something about catching her a deer to me I asked her what she planned to do with it after we caught it. My hunting buddy was with us and we both got to thinking in the one place we hunt, actually catching a deer would be possible. I asked my wife...what are you going to do when we pull up with a live deer tied up in the back of the truck? Now I know that isn't legal and wouldn't do it but the look on her face was pretty darn good.

I grew up about 45 minutes outside (NW) of Philly in a small town on the river. We always had the tailgates down after harvesting a deer. I now live in Norther VA. I sure do get funny looks from people when I have one on the hitch hauler. I also get the wave or thumbs up, but mostly it is just odd looks and you can tell people aren't happy.
I live in Nevada, unfortunately it borders California. We have many folks that move or visit from there. A lot of them want certain laws of ours to be changed to replicate their laws. This includes gun and hunting regulation. We have a great local saying about that.

I Don't Care How Its Done In California!
I grew up about 45 minutes outside (NW) of Philly in a small town on the river. We always had the tailgates down after harvesting a deer. I now live in Norther VA. I sure do get funny looks from people when I have one on the hitch hauler. I also get the wave or thumbs up, but mostly it is just odd looks and you can tell people aren't happy.

This is a point we bring up to our students in Hunter Safety class. While years ago it was popular to string your deer up in the tree outside, in front of the house to show everyone in the neighborhood you were successful, or to strap your deer to the fender of your car and park in front of the local watering hole to show it to everyone in town, now it is considered in poor taste in most scenarios. Not just to antis, but fellow hunters that think the quarry deserves more respect.
"See anything?" Is the common question around here, along with
"What y'all hunting?" from a passerby who wouldn't have been briefed on what exactly you were hunting; we have several seasons that overlap.

I was always taught by both my Dad and the Game Warden not to go driving around with a deer carcass uncovered in the back of your pickup. Cover it with a tarp.

Also, I make it a point never to post graphic post hunting pics on social media.

Further more, so as to avoid assault with a hairbrush growing up, I always learned to clean myself thoroughly after field dressing before coming back in the house. That paid enormous dividends when the Ladyfriend moved in. :D

P.S. Her question is always:
"You aren't planning on going tomorrow, are you?"
Years back I had a neighbor who has since passed on constantly complain that when he did go hunting he never got a deer. He finally quit going so one day he looks out and sees two deer hanging off the tree in my back yard. The wife and I were both successful so he comes over totally amazed that there's two deer hanging. (This was before we had a tall fence placed around the property.) I'd told him to put in with us and I'd try my damndest to see he was successful but he just wouldn't do it. We saw quite a few deer that year, 1987 as I recall.
Paul B.
Every once in a while I'll hear "did you catch anything?" from people. It's usually from people who probably don't hunt.

Dad used to greet other hunters, anglers (he actually didn't like to fish, but took me some), and especially family, with...."Well (name if appropriate), how many and what kind? No so sure his Dad, my pap, didn't use the same thing.

I've adopted it as well.
It used to be a requirement in Maine that part of a deer had to be exposed when transporting, but after numerous complaints by "the public", we don't have to do so. However, if we pass one Inspection Station, we could be in trouble with the law.

The number of "Inspection Stations" has dramatically decreased because the public doesn't like seeing dead deer when they shop in a store. Can't blame them much, but sometimes we've had to travel over 20 miles to find a station.

Now, a local meat cutter is also a tagging station, so a one-stop situation and only a few miles from our hunting area...and home.
Chicago urbanites are amazing. My co-worker hit me with rapid-fire questions as I showed her pictures on my phone.

"What is that thing?"
"How come it's letting you grab it's horn?"
"You must be a real jerk to tease it and then kill it."