Local saying?


New member
In eastern PA, if you were out hunting, a guy will ask : "Did you get anything?" or "Did you see anything?". Every time a woman asks it is almost always "Did you catch anything?". Is this a local thing or do all women say that?
Almost !!!

Almost !!!
We usually hear; "Did you get anything?", from the ladies. .... :)

"How'd-ja guys do?", from the men. .. :confused:

Be Safe !!!
I made my little coonass sweat it last year when I took my lil' man out for his first hunt, and, subsequently, his first deer.
About 25 texts and 10 missed calls just after dark.
They ranged from texts/voicemails:"anything?", "well?", "how's it going?", "home soon?", "ice?", and finally, damnit Jason Paul, tell me what the ____ is going on!!!!!".
I would have kept it up, 'cept she threw out the middle name......chit got real at that point!
Women, 'specially coonass women:shakingmyhead:
I get the "did you catch anything" from alot of women and also get" did you get "your" deer. I usually answer, I didnt know I had a deer. My answer to all is usually, dont catch em, I kill em!!!
I have been asked how can I kill those little birds after a quail hunt. I reply by saying you need to lead and follow through on your shot.
Yea, "catch" is pretty common from women out west, as well ... unless they're also hunters. Once they hunt, the word "catch" is quickly replaced with 'bag', 'get', or 'kill'.

Somewhat off topic, but...
One of my more memorable encounters involving the word 'catch' was with a pronghorn antelope in the back of my truck, stopped at a rest stop on I-80, east of Salt Lake City.
An early-twenties couple in a riced-out Lexus with New Jersey plates saw legs sticking up over the bed rail and came over to check it out while my brother and I were draining out bladders.

When I got back to the truck, they had their phones out, taking pictures, and the girl asked, "What kind of deer is this? How did you catch it?"

--It's an Antelope. I didn't catch it, I shot it through the heart and lungs.

"It is asleep?"

--I sure hope not, since her heart, lungs, liver, and entire digestive system are still in Wyoming. There's a water bottle where her lungs used to be...

"Oh my god! Why would you do that to a deer?"

--They taste good, and she was too stupid to run away when her friends did. It's an antelope, not a deer.

"You eat the antelope deer? Aren't they poisonous?"

--Antelope meat is delicious if you take proper care of the carcass. No, neither deer, nor antelope, is poisonous.

"So, is it dead?"

--Um... (Looking at this chick's boyfriend, who appears to be just as dumb as she...) ....No, it's not dead. It's in cryogenic stasis, being preserved so that we can repopulate the planet with empty-chested antelope deer after global warming kills all life on the planet.

"So, are you taking it to a hospital or something?"

--Yea, I have a storage facility in my garage, specifically designed for long-term storage of antelope deer.
--Where are you guys headed?

"Portland. We're moving there."

--You should be on your way. The highway is going to close soon. Pterodactyls come out at night and knock cars off the road.
--Enjoy Portland. You'll fit right in.....
Nobody could even make up a story like that FrankenMauser, excellent.
I have one that isnt nearly as good but I will share.
Long ago here in NH were had to keep our kill out in the open either on the trunk or with tailgate open, I had a deer on the back of my car tied on when I stopped at a store, I came out of the store and there was a elderly lady looking at my deer and with disgust said to me, Ill bet he didnt even have a gun to shoot back. I returned rather quickly with,,He sure did and he got off 2 shots before I got him. She didnt think that was funny at all and proceeded to tell me I should be ashamed of myself and so on. I just got in the car and left..Not nearly as good as franken's but..hey, I tried..
Just laugh ! I was bringing a bunch of geese to my truck when a bicyclist came by. He didn't say anything but gave me a look. I just laughed as I thought about the fine meals I would have !:p
Great story, FM!

Where I hunt, non-hunters see you in orange and invariably ask, "Did you get your deer?" ...... which has always amused me- like there's one out there that I can have, and all the others are off limits or something .....

Hunters' inquiries vary from "Done any good today?" to "Any luck?" or some such .............
Yea, "catch" is pretty common from women out west, as well ... unless they're also hunters. Once they hunt, the word "catch" is quickly replaced with 'bag', 'get', or 'kill'.

Somewhat off topic, but...
One of my more memorable encounters involving the word 'catch' was with a pronghorn antelope in the back of my truck, stopped at a rest stop on I-80, east of Salt Lake City.
An early-twenties couple in a riced-out Lexus with New Jersey plates saw legs sticking up over the bed rail and came over to check it out while my brother and I were draining out bladders.

When I got back to the truck, they had their phones out, taking pictures, and the girl asked, "What kind of deer is this? How did you catch it?"

--It's an Antelope. I didn't catch it, I shot it through the heart and lungs.

"It is asleep?"

--I sure hope not, since her heart, lungs, liver, and entire digestive system are still in Wyoming. There's a water bottle where her lungs used to be...

"Oh my god! Why would you do that to a deer?"

--They taste good, and she was too stupid to run away when her friends did. It's an antelope, not a deer.

"You eat the antelope deer? Aren't they poisonous?"

--Antelope meat is delicious if you take proper care of the carcass. No, neither deer, nor antelope, is poisonous.

"So, is it dead?"

--Um... (Looking at this chick's boyfriend, who appears to be just as dumb as she...) ....No, it's not dead. It's in cryogenic stasis, being preserved so that we can repopulate the planet with empty-chested antelope deer after global warming kills all life on the planet.

"So, are you taking it to a hospital or something?"

--Yea, I have a storage facility in my garage, specifically designed for long-term storage of antelope deer.
--Where are you guys headed?

"Portland. We're moving there."

--You should be on your way. The highway is going to close soon. Pterodactyls come out at night and knock cars off the road.
--Enjoy Portland. You'll fit right in.....

I had to walk away about 3/4 of the way through this. I could keep a straight face or keep from laughing. How many times do you have to be told its dead before it finally sinks in? The thing was cut from throat to pelvis, with a two gallon water jug stuffed in her open chest to help her cool off..............I'm pretty sure she was dead.

They were nice people, just totally clueless.
How many times do you have to be told its dead before it finally sinks in?

It was just so far beyond their ken that they just could not accept the reality of it ..... and probably drove 1/2 way across the county completely oblivious to all the roadkill they blew right by at more than a mile a minute ...... these are just the type of people that swerve suddenly at that mile+ a minute speed to avoid hitting a possum or other small critter that wanders onto the highway and lose control of their many hundred pound vehichle, totalling it and hurting themselves and possibly others in the process ......
Did you fill out, meaning, did you fill out your tag, which you must do at the kill and attach to the carcass, in New Mexico any way.
Shoot any? Get one? Anything down yet? These are what you hear from most guys.
Did you catch a deer? Nonhunters, men and women. Response, no, I shot it.
must be a local thing. here all the men say "did you see anything" or "did you get anything" and the women say "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ALL WEEKEND!!?"