Local girl just got attacked by a Black Bear while deer hunting in Central Pa.

Another factor is that sows can have up to FIVE cubs !! Not like the old two per sow. The ones we inspected were 4 healthy all male cubs in Pike Co. It was that the record PA bear was 900 lbs but there may be higher weights.now.
Like deer the problem comes when idiots feed them .Does anyone know of cases where feeders were fined heavily ?
Sounds like the young girl is doing well and will completely recover. She apparently went home before going to the hospital, was fully alert and able to walk without assistance. Injuries were primarily to her ear and upper arms. She's been an active hunter since she was 10. She's a lucky girl. Seems to hold no malice towards the mother bear protecting her cubs.
Glad to hear she recovered well. Kind of a bad situation to deal with afterwards. Do you let the bear go and hope it was just a case of a mother protecting its cubs, or kill the bear and most likely its three cubs?
Black Bears the size of grizzlies would make me nervous

Come to think of it.......grizzlies the size of grizzlies can make me nervous too.
"Do you let the bear go and hope it was just a case of a mother protecting its cubs, or kill the bear and most likely its three cubs?"

Let it go, as it was clearly a defending the cubs kind of thing. That's natural behavior, while unprovoked attacks (often caused by people who feed the bear, and it getting pushy), is aberant behavior.

"Well done IRWIN."

For years when I was growing up a lot of the local newspapers, hunting magazines, etc., closely followed Dr. Alt's work. When I was a kid bear were pretty rare in Pennsylvania below southern Clinton County.

Now, however, sighting are more and more common all the way down to the Maryland state line.

Last summer my Mother, who lives in Mifflin County in a fairly populated area, but close to a wooded ridge, had a bear working over her garden, garbage, and the rabbits that lived in her yard.
I hunt N. of that area in Tioga on the NY border. Over the years I have seen some very healthy looking bears. Bear and deer season now overlap in PA. I think this will have an impact.
First off, I'm glad the girl will be fine. That being said, this seems like a case of wrong place, wrong time. Never come between a bear and her cubs. Also, it reinforces my need to pick up some bear spray(in addition to my carry gun) before I go hiking this spring in the U.P.
Now PETA has sent her a snarky letter. Looks like the MSBs are getting the worst of the press coverage, but it's a reminder of just how far out these folks are.
Now that I live in Pennsylvania, I may have to do something about the burgeoning bear population. I already did something for PETA this year. I had a can of CMMG tactical bacon I bought as a novelty last year, and since I didn't really want to try it, I figured I'd help them poor gals put a little meat on their bones, so I sent it as a donation.
You really only need read the letter to this line:

PETA Letter said:
...the individuals you and the rest of your hunting party were trying to kill.

"Individuals" clearly implies person-hood in the context. Loons. Not that it's surprising.
Further proof as to why I hate PETA.

In regards to letting the bear go, I couldn't possibly fathom being in the area if my little sister were to get mauled, with a rifle( or pistol, or Ka-Bar, or pointy stick) and not pursuing with.

Granted, the law prohibits such and the bear was getting her mama bear on, but I just can't fathom letting it go.

Glad the girl is recovering, and I hope she goes out on a hunt again. If anything just to stick it to the PETA loonies.
That PETA letter is not only distasteful in its timing but just shows how discusting and how low these "activist" will go. They fight dirty and taking the high road doesn't win street fights and that's how they want to fight. Its been easy to pick on hunters and gunowners by these groups because we havent been taught or live at such a low human decency level. We better learn to kick PETA in the groin every chance you can when it comes to a confrontation to their views. The one with the loudest megaphone is what wins these days, unfortunately. We let society and political correctness change around us because we did or say nothing for years. Free speach works both ways and is useless if you don't exercise it.