Loads for Bigfoot?


New member
I started this thread for humor only but may have been in bad taste on my part. I apologize for any ill feelings it may caused as that was never my intention.
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Tranquilizer dart...
But this is one of those posts that die a quick death...
There is no bigfoot... too many humans and hunting dogs have run the woods for too many years at all times of year and hour of day and never a shot or captured skunk ape/saquatch/bigfoot...
The load in your shorts when you actually see one will probably supercede anything chambered in a firearm.
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hotdogs, you must not watch the H channel very much, the potential is there and reasonably conclusive.

My personal contact is just footprints still filling with water as my youngest brother and I were hunting rabbits. One set of big ones (I wear a size 13), the print was larger, and one set of small ones (womens 8?, wife size). They were prints that neither one of us could recognize and we both have enough education to recognize known primate prints. These weren't loose Gorillas.

Ever have the hair on the back of your neck raise up when something's not just right? It happened then. Two guys with 12 ga. shotguns retreated.

I'm convinced that they're there.
Not to sure about Sasquatch. I have seen two other mystical creature's , one in the water another running in a field. Both in the same area.:eek:
was the one in the field a pony with a horn on it's head? :D The one in the water was a manatee not a mermaid and they ain't too pretty unless you been at sea for too long:rolleyes:
sorry to rain on your parade

Sudden, you might want to read this link, from the viewpoint of understanding some of the management philosophy on such subjects. While they didn't spell out the word "bigfoot" in their list of sudden death topics they tend to frown on subjects which do not reflect the concept of responsible firearms ownership.

A lot of us have been through various similar discussions (I recall a thread I posted once about hunting Tyrannosaurus rex) and personally I enjoy spinning yarns about them. But in the real world one of the general impressions I have come up with about bigfoots (bigfeet?) is that if they exist they are a rare or endangered species of almost-humans which we should protect rather than hunt. So I wouldn't hunt one except with a camera, or maybe a movie contract and a fountain pen.;)
And to further meeks, point, this is the hunting section and should be limited to "known" species of huntable situations. since none of us have any clue what would be a viable kill round for, at this time, un proveable creature how could anyone post an honest answer? But I stand my ground that if they did exist we should have had more than a rubber suit in a freezer mixed with possum guts by now...
My only backup is my youngest bro. and he's down in Big Cypress somewhere. He crawls out and makes a call every few years. Last that we heard from him was Christmas '06.

I would not dream of shooting such a creature if it, in fact, did exist. But there have been reports of being confronted at close range by some people. They were probably lying but who really knows?
I was huntin' in Alaska with a friend. It was a gorgeous day, in the low 70's with a bright blue sky. We were in an area of Birch tree's when my friend froze, for what seemed like 10 minutes, I felt it too. It was stone quiet...too quiet. Yeah.... hair standing up on the back of my neck. We didn't move or speak for at least 30 minutes. We both had the eerie feeling something was watching us, didn't see anything, hear anything or smell anything.

Even when we broke silence it was only slight whisperings. Me and Eddie were jokesters, I have never seen that guy so damned serious since I've known him. He had a similar account back in New Mexico where he grew up, is why he never walks out into the woods alone.

I can't explain it, the woods were stone quiet, nothing moved for at least an hour. I don't know what was more eerie,..Eddie or the silence.
To try and make this a legitimate discussion... isn't there a law against shooting "bigfoot"? I know there are similar laws against people harming "unidentified species of aquatic animals within Loch Ness" and "Lake Champlain".
Shot Placement?

AS with any other animal Shot placement is the key. Whatever the Caliber shot placement is the key. We want A neat entrance wound with A large exit to leave A good blood trail. We want to be real ETHICAL (like Doctors,Lawyers,Politicians and such) and make A nice HUMANE Kill. Right? No, if there really were A Bigfoot why would you even think of shooting him. He has never harmed anyone. Surely you wouldn't want to eat him, or would you? Wait, after reading the POSSUM threads I take that last statement back. I know that there is no Bigfoot but if there were, what would be wrong with A nice old fashioned HANDSHAKE?
Bear have big feet, and could be a viable threat, so in that case.....

I always packed my .44 on my hip. When bowhunting in Alaska, you almost have to. Dem bears are sneaky too, as big as they are, they can be quiet as a mouse. I was walking down to the river for some fishing and wadda ya know...:eek: I didn't see or hear the thing cause dawn was coming in (quite dark outside). 2 other guys fishing poked their head out the window of their beach-parked SUV, with a ..."psst...come here!"...as I saw the back end of the bear walking away from me. They mistook it for a beaver crossing the river, kind of still dark outside, when one guy said " ey, dats a pretty big beaver..."

That was just before I showed up, blind, deaf, and dumb.
Google "Sasquatch sightings" lots of fun. I live about 1/4 mi. from where one of the last sightings and recorded noises of the beast were taken in Ohio. Clearcreek Rd. There`s a girl who lives down there that has resemblence to big foot but when officials questioned her husband he stated she was out of town at the time and has alittle less hair.
Ok if I need to clarify cause it's not understood:confused:

He froze giving me the shut-up signal, cuz I kept egging Eddie on, what his problem was. We stood still for what seemed to be 10 minutes, give or take. Moved to conceal, incase Mr Moose showed up. Waited for about 30 minutes but Eddie was getting fidgety, and started to move out of the area, and the woods were still quiet for roughly an hour, all that was moving was me and Eddie at a snails pace. Eddie was focused on bear, bigfoot, whatever. I was focused on anything moving, an ear flicker, bush moving (no wind, remember?), an antler swing, a leg move, etc. What's not to understand?

Once we broke out of the area, bugs in our face, slight breeze, only then did Eddie start a normal conversation, with curiousity eatting away at me.