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Very impressive! I like it better than the ones offered online. Could you please share the plans with us? I'd really like to build my own similar to yours; it seems much sturdier than the folding ones with the door hinge that retailers sell online.
Doc Hoy ..... , seems that you and I are from the self same mold and here i always thought they had chucked it away when i was built :-)
Anti .... , I never use a plan pal I just start cutting wood until i get what i want accomplished , i see what i am building in the wood actually .I am also one of those guys that seldom reads instructions :-) You are welcome to copy either one if you like not really that difficult at all :-)
Over here in the UK if your guns aren't locked away it won't be long before you are!

To add insult to injury I have just fitted a monitored alarm system to my place, not my idea but in the area I live the Firearms Licencing folks insist that over 10 firearms and you don't have a choice. Annoying thing is that it's not a statute just a local interpretation of the rules.