Loading /Display stand


New member
After looking at the stands on here and online i decided to have a go at building one myself for my new pistol .Here is the result , i still have to add a few embellishments toy it but i am happy with it myself .Thanks to the encouragement I received on his forum :-)


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Sure looks nicer than the one I built! :)

I enjoy seeing what folks put together - thanks for posting this.
Another stand

Sorry guys but I seem to be addicted to this hobby now , here is another crack at stand making for my new revolver :-) Same wood , red oak coated with Formbys tung oil and wives felt pieces :-)


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Nice workmanship.

The best display stand is a well oiled pistol in an old sock and hidden out of sight.

No one can see it nor can dust collect on it and much harder to steal if it's out of sight.
I am inclined to agree....

I have more than fifty firearms hanging on the walls of my home. I want them that way. I want to enjoy them every day.

I have about two dozen more pistols which I have not yet placed in wall cases. But that is only because I haven't had the time.

I have good insurance and a record of everything I own.

I work out of the house so most of the time someone is here. I have a 1911 with two loaded magazines, but there is no way I could get to it in time if someone decided to invade. Even if I could I'd prolly shoot the walls, shoot my neighbor, shoot myself, or the invader would take the pistol from me and shoot me. (A man has to know his own limitations.)

Only thing I use socks for (apart from my feet) is the ones I don't yet have cases for.
On another Forum there was a post where a guy's wife was home listening to a CD with head phones on, someone broke into his house through a window and took 12 pistols which were displayed.

I am not paranoid, but mine are all locked up except for those where I know where they are if needed.
I have always been sort of fool-hearty...

I exceed the speed limit on the way to the range. Heck I exceed the speed limit just about all of the time.

I don't smoke, but I do have an ongoing relationship with one Mr. Jack Daniels.

I buy a lot of stuff on the internet using my credit card.

I load directly from the flask to a previously fired cap and ball revolver.

I take showers but don't have a shower mat.

I never get a flu shot.

I come home with new pistols or rifles without telling my wife ahead of time.

I mouth off too much.

Taken in perspective, the fact that I display my firearms in my house is at the low end of the risk spectrum. I kind of have my heels dug in on it.