Loading 223 with the components that I already have

( ... would expect you would have to push things a fair bit faster to get them to come apart. Especially if your talking FMJ, not varmint bullet. )
i agree. but how many people buy an ar15 with the intent to only fire 55fmj and of those how many stick to that plan and don't test other ammo looking for better accuracy... and that is a bit of a moot point anyway. the fact remains that some do take into consideration the posibility of over clocking the lead, when considering twist rate. one would be wise to consider all aspects of internal/external/terminal ballistics when choosing a firearm/ammunition combo. and i understand that the majority do not.
I'll try posting my question here, hopefully I'm not out of line.Does anybody know a quickie hack to get around having to buy the expensive 9.3x72r dies for my new to me so chambered rifle? Fwiw, I'll be running very low pressure so FL resizing shouldn't be required too soon anyway.
coyotes220 there should be a bushing neck sizing die that will work but i'm not versed in which one. and something like a hornady universal seating die maybe. there are universal decaping dies too.

so are you looking to use what you already have; or, is it a search for anything that will work because shell specific dies are hard to find ?