loaded cylinder question

yea steve,let me know how it looks when you get it.i might just have to go ahead and get it.lol.hope all is well with your dad!
Old Dragoon, I live in Tipton. That's the place with a black 8-ball water tower on U.S. 50 if you've been through there. I have relatives-in-law living in Grain Valley.

Kevin, I'll let you know what my impressions are as soon as I can after that .31 arrives. I may have to wait some to shoot it. The cataract surgery Dad's getting is pretty routine but requires a visit the day before and the day after so I'm just going to be running a lot. I also may have to come up with something to shoot out of it. I was planning to use that old mould but I can't get it from my son until he gets back home from a job in Fargo, N.D. and after measuring the only 2 pointed bullets I have from it, I wonder if it's going to work. The bullet is bigger where the two mould halves meet. I need to get it and see if there was something on the face that made it not fully close or what. I have several round balls from that same mould and all of them seem to be .311. The original 1849 pocket Colt may have had a slightly smaller chamber and bore than this reproduction.

well steve,
i just might let you know 1st about the .31 cause i just ordered mine.lol.i told ya i'd talk myself into it.im in tn so it will ship tomorrow and should be here tues.i'll let ya know.i ordered some buffalo .320 round balls too.they didnt have the wads in stock so i guess i'll have to use bore butter.mike will be proud.lol.whats the powder charge on these .31's?
.31? 1863 Rem, or 1848 Baby Dragoon, or 1849 Pocket type?

Had an 1863 Rem ASM from CVA nice little Rev truley fits in your pants pocket. Quite a bit smaller than my 1848 Baby Dragoon...I was surprised. Good Rev I like um. Both take .315" balls. Powder charge 7-10gr if 10 fits in the 1863 Rem. Maybe 12 in the 1848 BD
Kevin, How big does a .31 wad have to be? I may have a leather cutter the right size and I have plenty of wool/felt for wads. Maybe steve knows. I know it sounds like a dumb question the chambers are not always right on and it's better to be a little on the large size.
Mike, I measured a ball and then measured my drill bits. A 21/64 bit is just a smidge (scientific term) bigger than the ball and an 11/32 bit is a skosh bigger than that. a 23/64 wouldn't be too big, probably.

Kevin, I,m going to slug the bore and chambers when mine comes before I do much of anything else. I'd like to be able to use one of the moulds I have if that's possible, just have to see.

Smoke, I thought about that little Remington but decided on the 1849 pocket model because my son has an original one I passed on to him which has been in the family for 6 generations now. And it was on sale.

You'll Like that 1849 Pocket, pretty much the same as my Baby Dragoon. the 1849 Pocket has the loading loever correct? Alot of places show the BD w/o a lever and I think a round trigger guard, but the 1848 had the squarback and lever. I like my, can pull it out a the belt quicker when the Despirado Rattlers jump out at me. The .31 cal is a pretty formidable round ...I was surprized. Congrads Steve.
Thanks Steve, I'm going to grab a cup of coffe and head out to my shop and see what I have for leather hole cutter . Kevin better aprreciate this cause it's cold out there and I have to walk 15 yards in the snow and ice just to get to my shop. Reminds me of the old days when I had to walk 10 miles through 3' of snow uphill both ways to get to school in the winter :D
Dragoon, Yea I remember passing you on that mountain when were 5,LOL.:D
My kids believed all this about as much as I did when my Dad told it to me:)
im not rel sure cause i've never had or fired a .31.the round balls im geting are .320.and i do thank you for walking into the cold for little ole me.lol.i had to work at the deer processors this morning and just got home,talkin about cold!!! hell,i still cant feel my hands.lol.i cant wiat to get my . 31.i told ya i'd get it mike.if i were married id be in the dog house!lol.but i aint so what the hell.its only money,right?
Kevin, If it wasn't for my wife we would be broke! I like to buy what ever I want when I want it and there was a time when we could both do that. Now that I'm retired it makes it nice to be able to do what I want to each day but it hurts to be on a budget.We are far from poor or broke but it wouldn't take me long to drain the bank account if she would just let me barrow the check book;) Enjoy yourself now and while you have a few bucks and your health. We only get to go around once and that's it.
I'm still having fights with me, myself and I about the next revolver I want ... the 1851 or the 1861 Colt .36? I'll let you know who wins the fight :)
Hell Mike,i Only Have 17 Yrs And I Can Retire!lol.the Way I Look At It Is I Have 13 Yrs Behind Me.somedays I Just Dont Know If I Can Make It Though!!
Kevin and Steve, Not sure how many years my sister had in as a cop but it was more than most. She started as a dispatcher then became the head of that dept. and training and then became a patrol officer , then Detective and in charge of the unit that took care of child abuse, rapes and domestic's . She became Sargt. of detectives and then a training officer for the whole country and they would fly her in a chopper from Akron to Columbus to teach classes in the law of domestic and child abuse casses. She had a wall full of rewards and a lot of bruses , cuts and broken bones doing her job. The problem was that by the time she did retire she was really hard to be around. It always took her a while to trust or believe in anyone. She was just fed up with man's inhumanity to man. The things she seen done to children and women most people would not believe. Now that's she been retired for a few years she is so great it's like night and day. I guess she just needed to get away from it all . It will always be in her head and her heart but now she no longer has to deal with the slime that exist in our world.
You will make it Kevin , just don't make it your life and keep up the hobbies and the "Me" time you have to yourself.
My best friend years ago was a police chief and I spent many nights riding with him and he always had me carry a gun just in case. We had some close calls togeather but we had some fun to and I seen some things I would rather forget but never will. He tried everything to get me to attend the academy but I knew there was no way I could read some of those guy's there rights before I tore there head off.:) In other words I wasn't cop material.
Read my post in Defensive Blackpowder thread. Some of my same thoughts Kid. I did get to ride along with my nephew a few times, and his then Chief let me carry, as I had a CCW from Lousiana...and he wanted back up for my nephew as he was gung-ho. I think he wrote more tickets than any other guy on the force. Also he was a target from the crackheads in the town. I never thought too much about it until one day i overheard a "usual Suspoect" say about me. "there's that guy that's living and riding with that cop". That bothered me a bit, I'm proud that my nephew had a hand in cleaning up that town. Glad he's now moved on to a better job, but there is still danger even being an officer on duty at a state hospital, part of the Capitol police forse of Raliegh, NC.
Old Dragoon, Like you, I have much respect for these guy's and gals.It's a hard job and I hate to think what it would be like without them in this world.
Be careful out there guy's.
Yeah, like they say, "Anarchy is great if you're the anarch..." There was a time, when I was young and even more naive than I am now, that I thought we could get along without many police, and with hardly any government at all. It was satisfying and comforting to believe that. Unfortunately, as I got older I started to learn things. There's nothing like knowing things to ruin a perfectly good theory.

Thanks to all the officers out there, and what you do for us.
I'll tell ya I used to be kinda wild, and they say the only differance between Bikers and Cowboys is the way they use their horse power. Bein' a member of a known Motorcycle Club has it's advantages if you are riddin on the right side of the Law and not agin' it. I always have a good time around Law Enforcement now, especially Motor Officers. I'm glad I grew up and realized how cool Cops can be...notice I said can be...LOL! We do Toy Runs with the local LASD, CHP, and LAPD, plus LAFD. Always have a good time...after they got to know us. We aren't an outlaw Club, we're a Clean & Sober Club been around since 1955.

Merry Christmas