loaded cylinder question


New member
I was talking with a friend today about BP shooting. And I asked: "If you have an extra cylinder, can you load it and leave it around to shoot later?" He was stumped.

Can you?

Thanks for the help
Yes You Can,just Dont Put The Caps On Till You Are Ready To Load The Cylinder In The Frame Cause If You Drop It It Could Be Bad!! I Leave Mine Loaded For Months At A Time During The Hunting Season With No Problems.
Yes, I agree with MP1423 . Mine are loaded most of the time and with no problems. It's not a good idea to place the nipples on them but I do for a couple of reasons. I like to seal off the nipples or you stand a chance of moister getting to the powder. If you go that rout you are taking a chance of dropping it and maybe hitting somthing hard and discharging that cylinder.
When I load a charged cylinder it's always over my bench and about 6" above the bench or if I'm in the woods I sit close to the ground and in a soft spot.
I'm not adviseing that anyone do it this way , I'm just a little crazy :eek:
If it weren't for crazy people, the normal ones would get bored! :p
I do the same as mike though, I often keep a spare cylinder loaded and am very careful not to get careless when handling it and loading iinto the gun. I also like to be near the ground when loading in the gun in case my fingers slip. I don't recommend doing it this way, especially if you are new to bp shooting or if you tend to get lazy about safety.
MP1423, Look whos talking!!! I'm not 5' tall and go around trying to handcuff gangsters that are a 6' 6",#300 hill-billy high on meth. Only a crazy man would want that job! :D That's like sitting on a powder keg with a lit cigarett.

Low Key is just as crazy as all of us . He feeds wild critters in his back yard that can bite! I'm going to send him a couple of my "Wild and Wonderful West Virginia Bear" to play with:) I'll bet he would keep that Remington on his side all the time,:eek:

Familywgn, Don't pay any attention to us, were just a couple of down home good old boy's without a lick of sense. Just be careful with that piece and have fun. I have left my cylinders loaded for many weeks at a time with no problems and I spend several days a week in the woods in the spring and summer tracking Bear. The humidity is bad and many times I have been in the woods in rain and got soaked with my Remington on my side and spare cylinder in my pouch and never had a problem with them.
Low Key,your Right I Guess.lol.

Mike,these Big Guy Aint That Bad Cause They Dont Expect A Little Guy To Have As Much Sand As I Do So It Gives Me The Upper Hand Cause They Aint Ready For It.my Dad Brought Me Up This Way."it Aint The Size Of The Dog In The Fight,but The Size Of The Fight In The Dog"!

Mike ,im Trying To Talk Myself Into That .31 From Dixie But Here At Xmas Time Im Thinkin I Might Ought To Wait,but I Have Till The 31st For The 129.00 Price.i Sure Do Want It!! Lol.
Kevin, My wife and I raised 7 kids and now we have about 15 grand kids . christmas is not a happy season for me( Just kidding) but it sure is for the little rug rats,Lol.
It kind of takes the wind out of my sails for buying power untel after the first of the year. Oh well, They all come first and they are worth it.
My 61 .36 will have to wait also.
Well Kevin, you are definately a bad influence on me! I just ordered one of those .31s. I will have to get that original two cavity mould back from my son and cast some original bullets and balls for it. I have a few out in my shop I kept from when I was experimenting with the pointed bullet in my .32 rifle. That was pretty much a failure, by the way. Anyway, the pointed bullet, I think they called it a pickett bullet, is .320 in my dial calipers. That is around the middle, the heel is smaller to start in the chamber easier, I guess. The round ball is about .311. If you wind up getting a .31, let me know and I'll send you some pickett bullets from an original mould to try out in yours.

familywgn, yep, we tease each other now and then but that;'s the way it should be. I hate these sites where people are always running each other down. Nothing wrong with disagreeing now and then as long as the discussion ends before it gets out of hand.
We have a bunch of good guy's on here and I for one hope it stays that way! ;) Welcome aboard and jump in any time. Just a few rules to follow:
No picking on cops or x-cops.
No picking on old guy's.
No picking on guy's who live on dead end streets and feed wild critters.
No picking on ranch hands.
No picking on authors of books.
No picking on people who breath in to much black powder.
We reserve the right to ad or change any of the above rules.:D
Yep Familywgn,
we have a lot of fun on here and there is a wealth of knowledge too. And Yes we bicker some, but then we get over it and everything's OK.
These are agreat bunch of....cops. excops, old men, young men, ranch hands,
Guys on dead end streets that feed critters, authors, People who breath to much BP, and SHOOTERS.

Welcome aboard and there aint nothing wrong with us , with us, with us...er...ah........Sorry too much black powder there for a minute. LOL
Low Key is just as crazy as all of us . He feeds wild critters in his back yard that can bite!

LMAO! Yeah, the critters gotta eat too! :p I tease my wife by calling her ellie may sometimes, (thats not her real name, and you old timers know who I'm talking about anyway, lol). We have a couple of foxes that show up from time to time and my wife will leave some apples out in the yard for them, she has also taught the rabbits, squirrels, and possums to eat apples when the foxes aren't around. If I start seeing monkeys and alligators out there eating apples, I'll have to put a stop to the critter feedin! :p
We do have a great bunch of people on here, and can joke around and tease each other without any feelings being hurt. The one thing we all have in common is that we have gotten addicted to blackpowder or its substitutes, once you start, you can't give it up! :D
One of our "pet" foxes...eating dog food...:rolleyes:


This one used to come out and eat and then roll over and go to sleep in the yard!
Yes, Kevin, I ordered it from Dixie. If they ship as quickly as they normally do, it should arrive the middle of the week. I may not get a chance to shoot it right off, my Dad's having cataract surgery and has to be driven there three sucessive days. I'll let you know how it shoots as soon as I can get to it. I will have to shoot cast stuff from that original mould, which may be a little undersized on the round ball. I'm afraid the picket bullets from it may be out of round. I won't know for sure until I cast some more. The one I measured at .320 also measures about .310 if you rotate it 180 degrees in the calipers.:eek:

I just figured out that you are in Central Mo. I used to live at Grain Valley, Mo when I worked inBlue Springs. Being a Job Shopper I got around a bit. Where in Mo (Close is good) are you.
I like your "pet" foxes. Pretty neat, we have Coyote, Bobcat, and Cougar, but we don't feed them. LOL I was totally surprized to see a badger one day last year. Didn't think we had Badgers here.
Been in CA for five years and haven't seen but one Rattler in the wild. Lots of Gopher, Blue and Red Racers and Garter Snakes. The Gopher snakes seem to keep the rattlers away.

AH Reynard, the red fox.
I saw a beautiful Red fox one day going the backway into Friendship Indiana. He was on the road jumped the ditch and stood on a little knoll. Biggest, most Red, fox I'd ever seen. Golleee that was 30 plus years ago.