Live update: Supreme Court decisions(Heller)

The apprehension is almost too much. The nervousness I'm feeling is almost as bad as that of my wedding day and the births of my kids.

I really hope Scalia writes this opinion. We could only get so lucky!

Just so long as there's none of this nonsense about a split decision. Bob Levy said there may be some swipes against the NFA because it was illegitimately decided--Miller died and his lawyer effectively quit.
We value the right to bear arms less than the Founders (who thought the right of self-defense to be absolutely fundamental), and there will be few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the State National Guard.

Let's hope he doesn't think "a few tears" are a small price to pay to avoid overturning 70 years of already enacted laws. After Raich, the notion that Scalia will write the opinion doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. He's perfectly capable of voting contrary to the actual text of the Constitution, if the alternative is upsetting too many legal applecarts.