live from the stand 2012!

Didn't get to sit much this weekend, had to go pick up my new boat and transport it for the final installs. Friday evening was a strikeout. Saturday evening was a lot of fun. 15 minutes after I got in the stand 3 huge gobblers walked out and ate and milled around for a while. They had a trailer hen that was hanging back, might have been the maid or something.

It was the beginning of being able to take does so I thought the 7mm08 would get to bark. About 7:15pm had a slick head step out but it was alone. I was pretty sure that it was a button based on the fact it was smaller and alone. It kept looking off into the woods, I was sure either mule was stepping out or pigs were on the way in. No dice, a deer that I will refer to as Speed Goat stepped out, his little rack looked like a pronghorn with the hooks it had on it.

Didn't get to shoot but I still had a great time.
Quick pic of a hog my wife shot yesterday.
Nice, dead pigs are good pigs.

Going to sit this evening, weather is changing and we've got off and on rain showers today so I think they'll be moving some.
Well went and sat in the blind lastnight. Couldnt be live as the blind I was in is so close to the river. No respection. Saw a coyote that I tryed to shoot but didn't have a round chambered and when the hammer fell he herd it and ran haha.
Couldn't make it live yesterday. From a tree in rain dosent work, for the deer and my phone. The raid had them bedded down most of the day. Rain cleared off lastnight so will try to to be live this evening.
Well live from my pop up blind. Overlooking a feeder and small oats plot. It's 6:40, feeder will be going off in 20 minutes. Wind is at my back from the north blowing 5mph gusting to 8.
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Friday evening I sent two trash dogs (coyotes) to hell. Hit the first one on the trot and spilled his guts all over the ground. He drug his mess into a bunch of thick planted pines and fed buzzards. Chambered another round and there was another one standing right where the first one was when I shot it. Evacuated this one's chest of its contents.

Sat Saturday morning and saw a Spi or 1/2 a 4 point, he was missing half his rack. Didn't pay it that much attention after I saw how small it was.

Saturday evening I sat across the club in another stand. 5 minutes before it was too dark to shoot I had a great big fat doe walk across the lane 70 yards away. She was there, then gone, never had a chance to transisition from bino's to the scope.
Live from the stand this evening. It's 79deg, wind is blowing 16mph gusting to 26 from the north to the south. Got here late today but we will see how it works out.
Our season started yesterday but I was too tired in the morning to update from the stand. God, I hate getting up at 330 in the morning and I almost never see anything so I don't know why I bother.:mad::(

Yesterday afternoon, I hunted in a spot with poor signal so I couldn't "go live" very easily.

I made two stupid rookie mistakes that cost me a deer. I had been sitting for about 2 hours and my butt hurt. I stood up and faced North for about ten minutes, then south for about ten minutes and then sat back down.

After sitting, I watched north briefly but honestly expected deer to come from the south, so I was watching south for probably 5 minutes and turned my head back toward north. Well, it had been raining all the previous day until almost first light and I couldn't hear anything approaching in the leaves. In that time period, two doe had approached from the north and were at about 40 yards.

The closer one instantly saw my head move and they bolted. A third mistake, watching them go instead of standing and preparing just in case, because they stopped at 80 yards or so and the one came back to about 30, trying to figure out what I was.

Anyway, always keep your head moving but SLOWLY. That's two mistakes, and always try to prepare for a shot if you can after spooking animals. They do sometimes return and present an opportunity. Three mistakes.:o